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The Daiwa Saltist Is Better Than The Stella!


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cheaper yea but i love my stellas personaly i think shimano make better quality reels and some of ther reels are heaps cheap and i have hooked some big fish on my 1000 and 2500 reels and never had a problem

Edited by SQUIDIN
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ahh i have used both and by far the stella has much better performance and durability over the saltist in standard form. I think the anti reverse and drag of the saltist is a bit of a let down. thats my opinion and tested on fish over 8kg. u get what u pay for saltist is rated below the shimano saragosa in my books.

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The comparison is Stella vs Saltiga.

The Saltist is a good reel but 'B Grade' compared to these two.


I agree. If the Saltist is better then the Stella then the price difference wouldn't be so significant. $300 compared to $999. I myself own a Saltist and mark my word it is a good reel. However, I wouldn't dare to say the Saltist would be the A-Grade reel. At the end of the day in the high range of reels its the Stella Vs Saltiga

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This is a funny thread... :074:

You are right Ceph and it doesnt need to be discussed as it is like asking is a diamond as good as a zirconia.


Regards Swordie

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