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Hey raiders I know this is probably a stupid question, but I was wondering if Poddie mullets could be kept alive in small tank with an air filtration system with it, any suggestions would be appreciated, obviously just for a night or 2, because they are going to be used as bait but rather go fishing at the target spot then getting the poddies then going.

Edited by Rafinx
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ok thank you guys very much, i have access to salt water as i live about 200m from the georges river, that will mean ill have a fun time using them for jewies on friday :)

Hi Rafinex,

I have kept them alive for weeks changing some of the water each day with aged tap water or tank water. Fill up a bucket of water and keep it next to it so the temperature is the same and change some say 20 % the next day. Keep the aerator going continuously. Careful they will jump out if you dont cover the container. I have used goldfish food to feed them, just dont overfeed them as more food equals more waste it wouldn't be necessary for a couple of days.

They have survived changing from salt to fresh water and back again no problems. Hope that helps.

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Hi Rafinex,

I have kept them alive for weeks changing some of the water each day with aged tap water or tank water. Fill up a bucket of water and keep it next to it so the temperature is the same and change some say 20 % the next day. Keep the aerator going continuously. Careful they will jump out if you dont cover the container. I have used goldfish food to feed them, just dont overfeed them as more food equals more waste it wouldn't be necessary for a couple of days.

They have survived changing from salt to fresh water and back again no problems. Hope that helps.

Wow I did not know that they survive is pure tap water, thats something ill have to explore, but for a couple of days i should be fine with salt, thanks for that

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Guest Aussie007

it depends how many u have in a bucket and if using small mullet under legal size they must be alive and used for live bait only ive gone out in the afternoon around 4pm loaded up a bucket with poddys headed home (south west) than headed east for the night with 1/2 a spare bucket of salt water for a water change they lasted the night

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I have kept 4 alive in a 20L bucket for 5 days with no water changes and just kept an aerator running and dropped in bread for them to eat. Didnt have any deaths and none of them got slow or sick or anything, they seem to be pretty hardy...

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Another option for keeping poddies is to start with a pool chlorine bucket (or similar) with a tight fitting lid. Drill holes in the lid and the top half of the bucket (about 7mm in size). That way, when you lift the bucket out the poddies will still be in some water. Find a secluded spot in the river and tie you bait bucket on a metre or two of rope to a floating buoy (eg a boat mooring - choose one that looks like it is never used). Put some weight (a rock) in the bucket to keep it submerged. Your poddies will last at least a week as long as no one finds them!! I have kept up to 50 in a 10 litre bucket. I know the maximum allowable is 20 per person but I had three kids who fished too!

You can tie them to a fixed structure but be sure to use enough rope to allow for the tides and keep them submerged and out of sight.


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Wow its amazing how many people have ideas i guess its not such a dumb question any more :P thanks guys i tried last night to get some instead i landed legal sized bream which i released cause i have a soft spot for them

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Guest Aussie007

Wow its amazing how many people have ideas i guess its not such a dumb question any more :P thanks guys i tried last night to get some instead i landed legal sized bream which i released cause i have a soft spot for them

get one of the clear plastic poddy mullet traps get 200lb leader about 10 meters long tie the leader to the poddy trap put a small amount of bait in the trap (bread) and tie a 600mls coke bottle to the trap so it floats u want to remove the sticker than chuck some pieces of bread out into the water when the poddy mullet start feeding they will go into a frenzy over the bread now toss your trap strait out on top of the fish this will scare them but they will be back within a few seconds now start chucking small pieces of bread around your trap when the poddy's go into a feeding frenzy around your trap they will fill your trap within seconds than u pull in the trap by the 200lb leader pour the poddy's into your bucket keeping in mind this method is highly effective and u will get your bag limit of poddy mullet in a very short period of time but remember to only take what u need and max amount your bag limit less is best... its easy to get carried away as its so easy

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