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north narrabeen beach


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hey guys!

me and a mate headed to north narrabeen beach tonight with livies n squid to try n catch a jewie! it was our first time beach fishing... so we got down there at about 8pm as high tide was at 9pm... we chucked out as far as we could using our 3.7m rods with a pyramid sinker attached but 2 mins later both of our lines were pulled to the left back towards the shoreline! i thought once u chucked out as far as u could u could just chuck ur rod in ur holder n sit n wait for some action! instead i was holding my rod the whole time, reeling in every few minutes as our lines were way left and to close to shore... could i get some help, advise or any tips for a keen first timer? any advise or tips would be much appreciated as it did not deter me in anyway it just made me wanna learn more :)

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champ that sumtmes happens its just the current i usually look 4 a good guter 2 fish or u mite need a bigger sinker

yea we tried looking for gutters/holes earlier when we first got down there but the beach is massive! yea i was thinking bigger pyramid sinker so we could get out n over past where the waves were breaking... i think the ones we bought were to small! what size u reckon we should buy?

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