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Snowies Fly Fishing Part 2


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After the festivities my wife and I had planned a 5 day walk into the high country to fish the upper Tooma and Geehi rivers.

Now since the bleak weather of the previous week we were less inclinded to travel to higher altitudes in a party of 2 so decided to walk into the upper Goodradigbee river instead.

We had been in for a day trip last year and this time wanted to stay 2 nights.

No distinct path to the river but the lots of Brumby paths and only light scrub so the trip in was easy. Need to navigate by maps but not difficult. Walk in took a couple of hours.

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After setting up camp and having lunch fished upstream. This part of the river has lots of fish and as a consequence the size is down. We were delighted that the first run produced a fish of 30 cm’s.

We continued upstream with most runs producing 2-3 fish on dries. It did not seem to matter what type, size or colour they were keen.

The river was high and normally easy to negotiate but with the elevated levels this made going up the river impossible in places and near impossible up the banks. Took ages to make headway up a few K.M’s. Caught lots of small fish and decided to head up the cliffs to find an easier ridge back to camp. River Below is where we have come from.

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The camping was lovely under the trees.

We usually camp up in high alpine areas this time of the year. The areas close to rivers are frost hollows devoid of trees, shade, firewood and big on March flies. This was very pleasant camping.

The scenery is stunning with impressive gorges.

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Next day we walked downstream about 1,5 hours and the going was still tough. It took all day to fish back to camp.

Fishing was much like the day before. 90% fish 15 – 25 cm’s, 10% fish 25 -32 cm’s

Pictures typical fish.

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Picture of the “ Monster”

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After 2 days and headed back to civilisation (shower and beer) and were satisfied with the trip as the scenery and conditions were stunning.

After 2 days of catching small fish we were looking for more challenges..

Headed back to our favourite part of the Eucumbene river. River level was much lower and conditions looked ideal.

We started fishing lower than normal and first run saw 2 fish come up to the parachute hopper.

Next run saw a thumping brown come up to investigate the hopper. The 16 Adams did not tempt him back and I really wanted to make his acquaintance later.

The next 2 hours were the best I have had on this river. Every run had a couple of fish come to the fly and many were quality fish around 1 K.g

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About 1.00pm things changed. Most fish stopped taking the hopper and those that did were small. Number of fish followed it down with the current and did not take it. We persevered till 3.00 and started heading back to the car.

On the way I tried an experiment. Picked the same run as the morning with the same fly and had some interest and no take as higher upstream.

Changed to 14 Royal Humpy and fish accepted it. You are always learning lessons. This one was perseverance is not always productive. I never did get to fish for the large brown I was introduced to earlier in the day.

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Next day wind was blowing hard and had a bit of a rest day with a lovely walk into Olgivies dam.

I got the bug to fish again bad so went down to Providence. I fished hard for 3 hours for no result. Tried everything and about 8.30 about to pack it in when saw a good fish rise in a run. Was getting tired and lazy so put on a 12 Adams. This was too large and the fish refused. I could not bother to change after dozens of fly changes this arvo. Left it on and when it got dark enough the fish started taking it. About 8.45 started to catch fish and got 4 in a row.

Was a great way to finish a great trip.


PS. The Engine Transplant was successful and patient has recovered to full strength.

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