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New Year, Good Start


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Happy New Year to all raiders, lets hope this one doesn't go so quick

Jumped in the tinny the other morning for the first fish session of the year to a beutiful morning on the water :1fishing1:

First spot no luck, then went a little wider to start finding a few trevallys to play with, while i was just dehooking one, i had my little pumpkin seed on a flick rod hanging in the water about half way down and decided to wind it in to make some room when WHACK off she rannnnn. Did manage to stop it and got it up on the surface about 10m from boat seeing a lovely Kingie around 80-90cm, turn and looked at me and said "youve got no chance" and off it ran again for about 2secs and bit me off. So excited i put out the bigger guns with whole fillet and couple minutes later pulled in my first Botany Bay King (unfortunately only 60cms. Away she swam to for another day.

Southerly then blew up and headed in closer. First drop of the squidgy, Whack 69cm flathead PB for the Bay easily. Did keep this one, only because needed a feed and wanted to see if they did taste ok a this size. (just quitely, it was pretty good). Happy now, anymore that size will fight another day.

Until next time, all the best for the year

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