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January Catch Of The Month Reminder

Catchin Jack

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Hey Raiders,

Just a reminder not to forget this months catch of the month, make sure you have ITEM FOR JANUARY 2011 PURE FISHING CATCH OF THE MONTH.... A PAIR OF SCISSORS, CLIPPERS OR KNIFE.

Winner gets a great prize pack from our sponsor Pure Fishing, make sure you have item in photo and read the rules for entering to make sure you are eligible to enter.

Here's the rules to enter

1. A member must make a report in the fishing reports section about the submitted fish to be eligible for entry

2. Any fish taken by a single member using any legal method is eligible for entry.

3. For a member to be eligible to enter a fish there will now be a time limit imposed on how long that they have been a member for. A member must have been a member of Fishraider for at least 1 month and made a minimum 10 posts to qualify for entry.

4. Fish must be taken during the monthly period with entries opening on the 1st of each month closing at 8 PM on the last day of each month.

5. Each Month there will be a nominated item that must be in the picture with your catch. This item will change every month and will be notified to members the day before the comp starts.

6. A poll will be run for 5 days after the competition is closed during which the members will vote for the winning fish. On the 5th day the poll will be closed at 8 PM. Admin and moderating team do not vote in the poll, only members.

7. If there is a tied result after the poll then another poll will be created with the tied entrants and run for a further 2 days to determine the winner.

8. Members who can vote in the poll for Catch of the Month will have a post count minimum of 20.

Admin and the Moderating Team are not eligible to enter.

The Admin's decision as to the winning entry is final , and no correspondance will be entered into.

The winner will receive a prize supplied from Pure Fishing.

The prize being donated by Pure Fishing is a choice of one of the following packs valued at approximately $250.

Here's the link to prizes & rules CLICK HERE

So catch those fish and have a go at winning some great prizes !!!

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