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Odd goings on in the Hacking


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Went fishing, caught a fish, here’s a picture.

Just kidding. Hate those type of reports.

Hit the Hacking yesterday morning mainly to pump nippers but couldn’t help myself and had a bit of a dig.

The odd things started with a blue swimmer following a popper! Fishing the Maianbar flats and casting out into a bit of deep water saw a couple of follows with one small bream (tiny) and some massive action from a handful of smelly pike, who have now found themselves as future crab bait. On one particular cast I dragged a popper across the hole and when it came to the bit that was about two foot deep a decent size crab came up and chased it. On the next cast the same thing happened. I could still see the crab and tried, to no avail, to hook it with a metal lure. Would have been nice to be the first recorded crab fisho to land one on a popper, could have started the next big craze.

Gave up on that and headed out to Warumbul. The bay, and for that matter the majority of the river, was full of white bait being smashed by chopper taylor. I tried a handful of lures before a small silver blade started doing the trick. Sort of matched the hatch I suppose. Without making an accurate count I would guess and say I landed around twenty taylor in about an hour. The majority of them where just under size but few went well over legal.

The greedy buggers seemed to be chockers on whitebait but still had a crack on the lures. At one stage I had eight or nine whitebait that had been spat out with two of them still kicking in a bucket with the nippers. Most of these baits resulted in another taylor coming into the boat.

Fortunately I had upgraded the leader to 15lb to cope with the taylor because on one of my last casts I let the blade go all the way to the bottom (about six metres). It came up tight on something decent that took me for a decent run on its first hit and then started doing circles before taking off again. To cut a long story short it took me almost ten minutes to land this fish on 6lb line (bigger trace obviously). When I got it into the boat I was surprised to find 55cm of bronze something or other that I think was a Samsonfish. Never caught one before but it was pretty much an Amberjack in a different colour. I have never actually heard of anyone catching one in the river before.

The reason for the delayed report is I wet my phone and was hoping for it to be dried out enough to lift the photos out of it. Not so apparently so until it comes good I can’t post my alleged Hacking Samson.

If anything forget crabs on poppers or Samson’s on blades, get out with a bag of whitebait and I guarantee you will get fish in the Hacking

Cheers Dave

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Good report there Dave , sorry to hear about the phone :ranting2: Dry your phone off as much as you can remove all covers , battery , etc place a small amount of uncooked rice in a container place the phone with all parts then fill to the top and place a lid on for a couple of days . The rice will absorb all moisture and is the cheapest quickest fix .

cheers Dogtooth..... :1fishing1: John.... :beersmile:

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