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Transom problems HELP


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Hi Guys

Thought i would try my luck here

I have just pulled the motor off my boat in prep for a respray now i have found the transom is wet in the middle so it will need to be replaced :(

so far i have been quote at 3-4k to replace it which is just not worth it for this boat especially since i plan to upsize next year.

So what i am hoping for is if anyone knows a place that will do it cheap i have read a few different methods on the procedure but i am not to keen to taking on the job myself i am happy to do most of the work even but i just don't know what to use and how much of what.

i have tried looking around to a replacement hull bu there is just not much out there at the moment.

If anyone can offer any advice i would really appreciate it


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Hi, I had an old bloke I used to work with, tell me about his mates transom was rotting out, so for a temp repair to get them through till they could get fix properly, he used fibreglass resin, just mixed it up and filled the transom up with it, did the job.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you handy with tools? use an electric router to cut old transom away in one piece, that way can use as a template, get marine ply, multiple sheets maybe needed for correct thickness, cut out to correct shape and glass in place, seal all cut edges with bond crete or similar first, fibreglass isnt hard once you practice a little, fibreglass material service at Sevenhills are excellent for products and advice on doing it, worth giving a go.

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Thanks fester i am considering it

Seven hills is not to far from home about 15 mins and i was looking at the boat yesterday i will need to pop the cap to gain access to the transom.

As for the timber in there there is no way its coming out in one piece which makes it harder for me as the middle of it has disentegrated it is so wet.

Will probably just mock up a cardboard cut out and use that as the template.

What type of fibreglass and resin would i be looking at using there are so many out there for something like this i would not know where to start.


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Thanks fester i am considering it

Seven hills is not to far from home about 15 mins and i was looking at the boat yesterday i will need to pop the cap to gain access to the transom.

As for the timber in there there is no way its coming out in one piece which makes it harder for me as the middle of it has disentegrated it is so wet.

Will probably just mock up a cardboard cut out and use that as the template.

What type of fibreglass and resin would i be looking at using there are so many out there for something like this i would not know where to start.


Mate if you head to the fibre glass place at seven hills, they will point you in right direction, it is good once you get the hang of it.

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