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Braid or mono?


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Hey guys,

ive noticed that braided line is alot more expensive than mono line. Why is this the case. I'm planning on targeting a few jews at bar pt in a week and have some 50lb mono line but to get braided line its another 70 bucks. Can i still use the mono line for jews??

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gday mate, I wouldnt worry about getting braided line If your fishing bar point. I only use braided line if I need some serious stopping power such as around moored boats or bridges etc, in fact I would probably downsize the mono that your using to around 15lb but be prepared to up anchor and chase the fish if you get a seriously big one. I have found that you will handle jew to around 30lb in open water on 15lb line no trouble at all. I caught an 18lb jew at batemans bay only a week or so ago on 12lb line and had no problems whatsoever.In fact i feel you will get a lot more fish interested in actually taking a bait if you fish lighter.

good luck


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Get the braid dude.. so much thinner for its breaking strain and much easier to cast. For Jews, braid is not essential but personally, I wouldn't use anything else. If you are fishig around rocks, be aware that braid does not have good abrasion resistance. Also, you will need a new set of knots for braid. The old 7 turn blood knot doesn't work!! :biggrin2:

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