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Distinguishing Bream on a Lowrance HDS 5 2D Imagining

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Hi all,

I’m pretty new to bream fishing and have bought a hds 5 system.

I have also just started entering into a few bream comp with no luck.

I was wondering if possible, can someone tell me or show me via screen shots how to identify bream vs other fish on a hds screen.

I have been told that bream can be identified by a round yellow ball with green in the middle. is this true? if not what is the correct colouring etc.

Any info will be great!

Thanks a lot in advance.



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Unless you are going to chase schooling fish in deeper water in every tournament you fish you probably won't use the sounder much for picking individual or schooling fish.

The majority of your fishing will be done fishing banks, jetties, pylons, bridges, oyster leases etc which won't require the use of the sounder for seeing the fish.

As to whether or not bream have their own distinctive "display", not really. It all comes down to education. You'll get to know which sort of deep water areas are likely to hold fish, and that should reflect on your display. Whether they are trevally, bream or otherwise, only by throwing a lure down there would you be able to tell.

In my experience bream don't like to pack into tight "balls" as such meaning they won't use up much of the water column, they more prefer to string out and will appear as a longer, narrow band holding just off the bottom. In spawning season however that can change and they will at times show up in more of a ball shape on your sounder.

Hope my 5 cents worth helps. My suggestion is to go looking for fish holding in deep water and get your lure down there and get a feel for it. Plus it's good fun they turn out to be another species and surprise catches hit the deck.

Best of luck


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Hi Nick!

You’re a good man.

Thanks for the input and will keep it all in mind. you are right that you don’t use the sounder much. But it also good to have an idea of what they may or may not look like on the display.

Thanks again mate and I will definitely give what you said a shot.



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No problems mate, I reckon experimenting is half the fun, nothing beats exploring new fishing techniques and ideas.

The most important thing is to do some reading on techniques and then make sure you enjoy yourself.

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