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Botany Bay 20/5


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Dave (granpop) made the long trip from canberra for his maiden fish on the bay.

I met him at the ramp about 8:30 and we headed out with hopes of bream, trev's, reds and lizards.

we headed straight for the hot water outlet and fished the farm, things started to look promising when I boated a nice bream of 35cm followed by two small trev's but apart from 2 yaka's (1 foul hooked) that was all she wrote.

we then tried watts reef for nil, drifted east of the cans for nil, towra point for nil, dolls point to brighton for 1 puffer fish caught on a flatty rat HB and then ran down along the side of the 1st runway for




during the whole day we only boated a few small tailor and 2 or 3 very small reds and a couple of very small flatties so as far as fishing goes IT SUCKED :1badmood::thumbdown:

sorry i couldnt get you on a fish Dave but i enjoyed meeting you and your more than welcome to come and stand in the wind, rain and slop anytime you like mate.


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Hi Outnumbered

Got home about 6.30 to NO SYMPATHY from wife, sons, daughter-in-law or grandkids! Thanks for the trip anyway and I will wait until summer/early autumn before I try it again!

May try for a 'Raiders social day in spring if we are not wandering the country.

Did you do any good in the last couple of hours??


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