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Caloundra 19/05

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Just a quick report ....

Was up the sunny coast Wednesday for a meeting, had another one early Thursday which was cancelled at short notice :ranting2: well, that left only 1 thing to do.

Throw the waders on and grab the bream gear. With Ken expecting his family clan to show up anytime, I figured he wasn't going to be able to join me .... BUT surprise surprise :yahoo: the Fishraider-mobil was already parked at the secret spot when I arrived. There was about 2 hours left of the run-out and I met Ken on the ridge for a fish. :1fishing1:

He was ready to go home for lunch just as I arrived. A quick chat and the success story thus far, and I knew I had a chance of a few fish. Ken had picked up 3 bream and the tide was into the last stage of the run-out, which is usually the most productive.

Wind was blowing from the SE (as usual) but was mild and not really a problem.

The next 2 hours, right up until slack water, produced 5 breambos of which I kept 3 for dinner. These ended up feeding the girl and me .... mmmmmm Cajun bream! YUM :1clap:

The fish I kept were 30, 31, 32cms in size and the 2 released weren't much smaller (probably around 28cms). All in all, a very enjoyable and relaxing couple of hours. Got back into Brisbane just in time for the mother of all hail storms and about a foot of hail out the front of my garage!!!

Ahhhhh, QLD .... Beautiful one day .... SHIT the same after noon I tells ya. :1prop:

Sorry lads ... no pics. Next time :tease:

Tight lines,


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Yes boys ... the Ecogear SX 40 did it again :1naughty:

I like using the one that's bright yellow with tiger-like black stripes across top .... especially in discoloured water and with all the rain we had last week the passage is still a bit dirty. Anyway, worked a treat. :1prop::1clap:


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