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Proud Daddy

Jacob Traynor

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Woke at 4 am and decided today was a great day for hunting Kings in Botany Bay. Sent Dad an sms and he was keen so i woke my 9 year old daughter and off we went. On the way to the ramp i saw a couple of fishos on the side of the road with a flat trailer tyre , pulled up to see if they were ok and they gave me the thumbs up so off i set down to the ramp , launched boat , headed off to the breakwall only to see another fisho had beached his boat , hooked up the bridle and tow rope and towed him off , i was starting to think i should not have gone fishing today. Got out to the breakwall and set all my lines only to catch zip , zilch , bugger all. We didnt have long out there today as i have domestic duties to do today. I said to Dad lets have one drift thru the centre of the bay and then head off. Loaded a pilly and bang a 38 cm flathead , beauty , it then went quiet for about 20 min and then it happened. My daughters $60 combo from grrrrrrrr buckled over , she grabbed the rod and set the hook and the little reel peeled off at a milliion miles an hour , i gave maddison a few pointers and then grabbed the ignition of the boat ready to start the boat and give chase if this fish was going to spool her. Lucklily the fish had a great run and then pulled up , she was lifting up and winding down , she looked like a true professional , after about 5-10 min i got a glimpse it was a Jew ( you bloody ripper ) Into the net it went and high fives all round , i would have done cartwheels down the centre of the boat but there wasnt enough room for that. After the fish was in the net it spat the hook ( size 1 0 ) bloody lucky to get it. She measured 57 cms which is her biggest fish to date .

Ive been hunting Jews for years but am still a Jew virgin , my little girl outfished both my father and myself today and showed us how to do it.

As much as i love to fish there is nothing like watching your daughter land a solid jew. I was and still am very proud of her. Next time darling we will aim to get a metre plus Jew. Congratulations Maddison

I might even enter her into the fish of the month competitionpost-14923-075774400 1295758813_thumb.jpgpost-14923-094150000 1295758833_thumb.jpg

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