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Jervis Bay 20/1/11 HOT

Aqua Naut

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Well another day off mid week and some good weather means I'm going Fishing and big Kev joins me on a 2hour drive South to Jervis Bay. It was an early start and boat was in the water by 6am and we headed straight out to the bait grounds in search for some livies and it was not hard locating them. Within 45 mins we had the tank full of Yakkas and headed for some GPS marks which a mate had given me and it was on. The sounder was alive with activity and we sent out the livies. A good time to christen the new Shimano Triton and Tekota 800 with some live bait rigs. Within 2 mins mid water they got nailed :yahoo: . It was non stop action for at least 3 hours. The reels buzzing was just the sound we heard for most of the morning. Kingfish were everywhere in numbers but as usal still couldn't get a legal. Smallest fish going 59cm and the biggest was 63cm. We boated at least 20 fish but they live to fight another day. We tried trolling Livies out the back and what an awesome sight it is seeing a dozen Kings Torpedo in on the poor Yakka from behind. They where mauling it. Anything would get a fish. Squid baits and pilchard baits all worked as well. Just could not get a livie to the bottom for the big fish because they just get nailed by the small ones :thumbup: We kept moving around around lunchtime in search of some new ground and we find some more good reef and we achor up. Slimey mackrel were just everywhere breaking the surface water and we find Bonito and Salmon busting them up. We also caught a few slimmeys with little 10 to 15 gram gillies hoping for a few kings beneath the action. We managed to hook up Bonitos 45 to 50 cm and 1 was a pearler going 65cm taking a live slimmey. Also caught a few Kingfish but not for the dinner plate. Back into the drink they go. Also in the mix were a few Snapper which we released as they just under size except for 1 which cleared the line.

It was mayhem and at one stage all three rods go off :1yikes: at the same time with Salmon taking the baits. All 3 fish landed and going 3 to 4kg's. It was getting on in time and we had another 2 hours travel back home so we called it a day. It was just an unbelivable days fishing with some Quality fish. Photos posted shortly. Tight Lines!!! :1fishing1:

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Edited by Aqua Naut
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dont worry about bringing frozen bait to JB mate.... its so penltiful down there. Jus do your research and bait grounds.

Im planin a trip down there also b4 my annual national park pass expries. But not keen to do a a day trip has to be a 2 night sleep over. The drive back from a day trip must be a rough ride home???

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