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Botany Bay 15.1.2011


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Got to the ramp at 6 and I couldn't believe that I was stuck at the lights turning into the ramp off foreshore road because the line of boats went back that far. But surprisingly got the boat into the water in about 20 mins, straight to yarra bay for some yakkas and for some reason it was a little tough going, think the main reason was because of how high the tide was. I couldn't make out where the kelp started, and realised when I was getting snagged on the kelp with the sabiki that I was too far in.

Anyways, I was too lazy to move, ended up with about 10 in about 30 minutes, I then realised I forgot to charge the battery for the bait tank, DOH!!! :ranting2: So ended having to top the tank with water manually. Straight to molli point, anchored up and then I realised I forgot to put the lid on the tank and had lost 4 of my hard earned yakkas, the morning wasn't starting out too well :ranting2:

Put down some livies and no more than a minute passed, I am on, from the weight I knew he'd be wayyyy under, got him to the surfaced and could tell he was no more than 50cm, was hoping he could spit the hook to save me the trouble, and he did. Then my cousin is on, this time from the weight and pull, he might go legal, and he does, just! at 66cm, high fives. Boat next to us with a few fellas were also getting hookups, strangely enough, we were the only 2 boats out of about 20 that were landing kings and this went on for about 30 or so minutes, 7 rats were caught and released. Not too sure what other ppl were doing or using??? then it went quiet, and my friend called to pick him up from the ramp at about 9:30am. Pulled anchored and zipped back to the ramp to pick him up, then straight back to get the yakkas, this time I anchored up right on the sweet spot, and in 10 mins, we had about 15 yakkas. Tried the drums first, nothing, then back to Molli point just in time to see my cousin in the other boat pulling up a king, went 68cm, they were quite happy! then the action went hot, they pulled up another 5 in about 10 mins.

We'd forgotten to manually change the water in the tank, and within no time, all but 1 yakka was floating in the tank, I was really mad now ARRGGHHH!!! dam battery!!! :ranting2: waste of yakkas, thankfully, my friend loves them fried so they didn't go to waste. So again we headed back to get some more livies, ended up with 6 in about 5 mins, then zipped straight back, anchored up. Got another king to 63, went straight back in. Then my friend using his daughters 2 foot pink rod is on, from the pull, I knew it was a king, told him to take it easy as he only has 6lb line, fought it for about a minute then ping! line snaps, he was quite devasted! I get another king to 58cm, then a bonnie, friend starts pulling up a couple of breams and a few more trevallys.

After 12 hours on the water, decided to head back home. Great day! can't wait for the next.

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i must have driven past you i was there bout 8 in the morning after collecting some yakkas from near the tuggies, a crazy amount of boats parked up on that corner i didnt bother to stop my mistake, gotta get in on this kingy action!

quick question, when your there do you anchor up close to the wall or stay out towards the markers? and were you letting the yakkas down to the bottom?

edit/ just saw the 15.1.11 date, still everytime i go past at least 5 boats near each other there.

Edited by taleb87
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