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65cm amberjack in pittwater fri 21/01


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Hello Raiders

Friday arvo finished work around 4:30 headed home grabed the boat and a coupe of beers :beersmile: and meet one of my good mates nathan (naze) a fellow raider at bayview boat ramp to go chase up some surface action on pittwater.

As we got out there we were greated with school of bonito and taior busting up on the surface also a small school on kings which got spooked by some Pirate who drove threw the school when he was trying to get in on the action :ranting2: so no kings were landed :thumbdown:

as the sun went down my mate spoted what looked like a school of something about to start breaking the surface. 2 mins later some fish surfaced first cast my mate was on he hooked something big on his 8lb spind rod and what ever it was smoked him in 20 seconds :1badmood:

i threw out a 5gram gold halco spinner on my 20lb spin rod and start spinning like a mad man and managed to hook up, fish took off and the fight began. we were in about 6meters of water so my friend starts backing the boat out to try bring the fish out of the shallows he did well and 5 mins later a 65cm amberjack was landed high fives all round :yahoo: . Is this a common catch inside pittwater or could it be due to the king tide the day before ? here are some pics.

post-12803-084408400 1295854437_thumb.jpg


Edited by joshagius
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i get the bonito and tailor on 5gram silver or gold halcos. the kings seem to always be fussy but you can try small spin lures, sluggos, poppers, or skirted lures trolled at a decent speed around the schools just have to throw everything at them until they like it. i dont often see many schools of kings tho.

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Great catch mate, there not really a common catch in sydney but have definately been on the increase over the last few years in the later stages of summer.

Great table fish and they pull like a train, must of been a fun few minutes trying to land it.

If your struggling with shy Kings Guys and they arnt responing to lures or baits ive always found that a live lightly weighted Nipper cast into a school of fish very productive. Ive seen them reject lollypop yakkers,slimeies and squid but they cant get go past a live Nipper, 00 ball sinker down to a 1/0 and your in business


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