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Batemans bay Clyde River surprise


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Went down the Clyde river with my parents on the inflatable and anchored up at some random spot near the shore, we couldn't even tell if there was structure underneath we just casted in. I was using some Rip Tide 3" mullet plastics and was sitting there for a good 20 minutes getting nothing. I was winding in and I felt it hit something I immediately said " I'm SNAGGED" but all of a sudden it was kicking back going crazy, I put my rod up high and got it up to the surface it was a monster flathead around 85cm, I got it to the side of the boat and my dad was saying GET IT AWAY FROM THE BOAT IT WILL POP IT, all of a sudden its tooth must of cut my line and it went straight back under (rough estimate but definitely 80+).

We fished the same spot for the next hour my parents and I pulled in some little flatties and a flounder. And of course I was onto another big fish, this time my dad had the net ready and it surfaced, it was a huge flathead again! this time only around 75cm. Dad got it in the net but it wouldn't fit! next thing I see is my hook with my plastic fly out of the net and the flatty went beserk and fell out, my dad couldnt even lift the thing out of the water.

This was the first time I have ever caught a flatty bigger then 50cm I was so happy I couldn't believe it. Unfortunately no pics but at least they were released and our boat is left unpopped =).

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I like the way you say "this time only around 75cm" - I am pleased that you enjoy your fishing

I am down at Batemans Bay in the 2nd week of February - I will try and catch your "big one" and send you a photo :biggrin2:

Cheers, Bill

are there any good gps marks around the batemans bay area to grab a feed. i have mixed luck, more often bad than good unfortunately

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