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Port Stephens Report 29th Jan (1-1-1 striped marlin)

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Hi all,

Yesterday we headed out for our first trip out of Port this season. We woke with the forecast still not great and as we left the heads we were punching into a 20knot northerly & a 2 metre swell. After quickly picking up 6 bonito we headed north with the intended destination being Allmark in search of a marlin. As we got out to 80 fathoms the swell & wind started to back off so we decided to do some switch baiting as the conditions looked the goods. We found a small patch of bait and worked it for 30 minutes until we saw what we were looking for, a solid striped all over the wombat lumo on the short corner. I cleared the bridge teaser as the boys teased him up and watched them feed out a bridled bonito. It took about 3 seconds and he was all over it and took plenty of line. Paul slowly pushed the drag up but unfortunately he dropped it. We told Paul to keep winding as we put the boat into gear and again it was to good to resist as he exploded back onto the bonito - he wasn't going to let it go this time with a solid hookup. After some spectacular jumps and a 30 minute fight Damien had him on the leader as Guy tagged him. As Damien had him boat side he was still fully lit up and going nuts as they removed the hook - he quickly released a very healthy 85kg fish. For those of you that haven't switch baited its something special to watch and by far the most visual way to catch a marlin.

Unfortunately we didn't raise any more but we had another great day out in great conditions. We will be back out on Tuesday with a charter so will keep you all informed. Hopefully the bait will start to hold and more fish will be caught over the next week. For available dates call Damien on 0407113349.

Cheers Mike

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