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Lilli Pilli


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Fished the deep off Lilli Pilli early on Friday for 2 tailor to 49cm and plenty of undersize reddies. The bigger tailor had a gang of rusty 5/0 hooks jammed right in his arse, but he was fat so it did not affect his ability to eat, and he fought hard on a light handline.

Pumped some nippers and drifted Mainbar and Lilli Pilli flats for 8 bream to 32cm, six whiting to 31cm, and a 44cm trevally feeding amongst the bream.

Plenty of surface action as well from Yowie Bay to Gunnamatta Bay. Threw in a few lures, but the fish were not responding too well. A school of tailor swam under the boat off Mainbar, easily 50 to 60 fish in a small area.


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hey yowie great haul there mate....

was out on the water today (saturday) and was struggling to get a hit early on even with the water being at about 26 degrees. finally landed 3 bream the headed off to chase some of the surface action. Landed 2 tailor about 40cm, though my metal lures kept getting chased by rat kingies, 3 or 4 at a time, but they wouldnt take the lure. i guess im going to have to slow the retrieve or something like that.

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The whiting were biting at Mainbar, the bream at Lilli Pilli. Could see whiting at Lilli Pilli, but only a couple of small ones were biting there. The whiting at Mainbar were biting in less than 1 foot of water, had to walk over the flats to catch them.

Have seen rat kingies busting the surface to feed on whitebait, threw lures in to the boiling water and not had a hit at all. At other times, have had them swim in the burley trail taking small pieces of fish and bread, dropped a piece over on a small hook, and it's on. Can be very fussy at times!

On Friday, 2 other boats were near me at the mouth of Burraneer Bay, when I saw the fish jumping as I was heading for home. Threw a wobbler lure into the dozens of jumping fish for 2 hits but no fish. One guy in another boat was using a white stick bait for 1 fish which he dropped, and the guy in the 2nd boat was using a metal slice to land 1 tailor. The water was alive with fish, but they were not interested in lures. We all threw in lures for 10 or 15 minutes for no success.


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