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Cooks River 23/5

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Mick and I hit the cooks on sunday for a quick session. Saw Andy at the petrol station and he joked with us about how much better my hornet is than his skeeter. Only ever fished the cooks a few times and made it there ok thanks to Jocools directions. last time I ended up at the airport terminal and looked like a dumbo driving through the drop off area with a boat in tow. Hit the moored boats and first few bridges early and picked up a handfull of nice bream up to 35cm fork and over half a dozen average size trevors. Moved on to a few bridges further up stream and tried jigging with some 5" and 9" shads for "big bream" with no luck. The sounder was full of action but it may have just been the rubbish. Jigged a drop off near the bridge with a bream rod with 2" hawg and hooked up. A powerful run towards the bridge as I tried to angled the rod to get it to swim into the middle which worked. locked the drag on the 1000 stradic and started to get it back when it made another long run directly past and around the pilon. Mick was yelling at me to turn the bail arm over but I was too slow and got shredded :05: . After that not much was caught as the tide picked up so we called it a day early. A full boar boat "sniffin" was up near the highway bridge, not sure who's boat but gave em a wave and took off. Instead got lost on the way home and ended up at brighton le sands.



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Guest Jocool
A full boar boat "sniffin" was up near the highway bridge, not sure who's boat


That would be Bill S.....Havent seen him on here in a while, but he must OK if he is out there fishing! :thumbup: G'Day Bill! :biggrin2:

You did better than I did up there on Satueday! Glad the directions got you there OK. :thumbup:

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Rick great little read mate :thumbup: i think it might be time to head over to the cooks for another session.

Oh yer from the sounds of it you got smoked by a nice jew, there around at the moment and great fun to catch. :1fishing1:

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Funny I was looking at the post of members boats the other and noticed Bill S' boat "sniffin" looks really nice

Rick have a look at the link I am sure this is what you saw


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Guest Jocool

Cook's is a great place...For reshaping props! :wacko:

I went way up stream, and found a large number of submerged logs. :thumbdown: Should have known better...but I just wanted to go up there to sate my curiosity.

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Yep thats the boat, didn't see u around though Joe but we were off the water early.

Cook's is a great place...For reshaping props!

I know what u mean about props. We were throwing some unweighted lures around the big drain near the red marker. started up the motor to move away and took a chunk out of it. Luckily I have 3 spares at home.

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