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towoon bay bream


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gday raiders i have been a little quite lately on the fishing scene but managed a quick fish on sunday arvo at towoon bay near the entrance. The GF and i went away and stayed at ettalong for 2 nights and as it was a weekend for US not ME - fishing was kept to a minimum! We travelled up to long jetty on sunday to hire a catamaran on the lake but were told that the wind was not strong enough and we would be wasting our money so to my pleasant surprise my GF suggested we go fishing for a while! We walked out onto the sandbar at opposite dunlieth caravan park and flicked plastics for about an hour for a big doughnut! so I suggested that we go and have a look at some rocks to fish off and ended up at towoon bay. I didnt have much gear with me so the rod I was using was just adequate at 8ft and 12lb mono. I wondered down to the rocks and found a spot that looked as though it might hold a fish so I baited up with bread and first cast landed a bream around 35 cm, about 15mins later a just keeper, a quick photo and i sent them swimming merrily on their way.


post-8689-013851500 1298980463_thumb.jpg

Edited by tide'n'knots
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Hi Pete,

I was wondering what you were up to as no reports.

Top spot TB and next time i see you remind me to tell you a story about what happenned to me there 30 years ago. LOL


Edited by zenman
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gday raiders i have been a little quite lately on the fishing scene but managed a quick fish on sunday arvo at towoon bay near the entrance. The GF and i went away and stayed at ettalong for 2 nights and as it was a weekend for US not ME - fishing was kept to a minimum! We travelled up to long jetty on sunday to hire a catamaran on the lake but were told that the wind was not strong enough and we would be wasting our money so to my pleasant surprise my GF suggested we go fishing for a while! We walked out onto the sandbar at opposite dunlieth caravan park and flicked plastics for about an hour for a big doughnut! so I suggested that we go and have a look at some rocks to fish off and ended up at towoon bay. I didnt have much gear with me so the rod I was using was just adequate at 8ft and 12lb mono. I wondered down to the rocks and found a spot that looked as though it might hold a fish so I baited up with bread and first cast landed a bream around 35 cm, about 15mins later a just keeper, a quick photo and i sent them swimming merrily on their way.


post-8689-013851500 1298980463_thumb.jpg

Well done Pete !

BTW you have a top GF :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::yahoo:

Fish Fingers

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here is a story that happend there about 35 years ago.surfing just north of tb we got bussed by a helio and a bull horn SHARK SHARK. we swam in on our boards an as we got out a shark on a large size crused by about 10 feet from the rocks.it was heading south and so were we.kept up with it till we all came to this bat with a little entrance.the shark turned into the bay and cotinued to partol just off shore. it was a sight for a young kid to see.the good thing is people left it alone and it just swam off going south.1 hour later evey one was back in the water as nothing had happened

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