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Maroubra 17/03/2011


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Good Morning Raiders,

Last night finished work at 4:30, raced to the train station and caught the express home. I had loaded the car the night before i so jumped in 'The Colonel' (my car) and headed for maroubra. From my house maroubra is not very close but i was determined to catch some fish from my favourite spots up there so powered on through the rain.

I reached maroubra around 8:20pm. Funnily enough it wasnt even raining there. As i stepped out of the car i felt a soft ocean breeze on my face and it automatically brought back memories of live baiting off the tubes at jervis bay. this made me more eager to head down to my spot.

As i hopped and climbed over rocks with all my gear i took a glimpse of the water and it was near perfect, with good white wash and moon reflection.

I set up 2 rods, one for large squid and one for fish.

After about 1 hour of baits just getting nibbled at, my reel starts screaming line if pealing off the reel, i set the hook and begin fisgting this fish and i can see its areal combat display in the moon light, i locked the rod into my leg AND MISSED, smashed the butt of the rod straight into my baby makers : ( but powered on, the fight lasted 2-3 minutes or so, hen came the ordeal of lifting this thing from a sheer cliff face of about 15-20metres. I leant back, locked the drag and began winding. my poor surf rod had bent over so much that the line began to touch the rocks. I finally bought the fish in and it was a large tailor. Tailor and bonito are my usualy catches from this place but not this time of year. The fish was 53cm and a respectable 2.6kg this was one fat fish! The rest of the night i caught another 20 of these and in the process pretty much emptied my spool of line as each fish would smash my on the lift off the rocks.

I only kept one and released all the others. It was a great end to a boring days work though, except now my arms and shoulder and back are killing me!! what a workout.

I have some pictures taken off my phone, i will upload them from my work email and attach them to this post tomorrow.

by the way whats the Fishraider record for taylor?

Hope everyone enjoys this post, Stan

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sounds like alot of fun

did you get any squid ?

what was your setup for the fish ?

i live in the north shore, but im out maroubra way sat arvo/sun morning. Was going to drag my mate out for a fish of the rocks. Do you mind me asking where you were - im not too intamate with the area

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wow benstik im way off LOL. umm the platform i get on u need to climb down onto it. the easiest way to describe it is the rock platform is facing east toward the ocean. if you stand on the higher rock platforms, you will see this lower one as it reaches out further then the top rock platforms. be careful climbing down though, the sandstone is very brittle.

set up i was using was floated ganged pillie and squid on 35lb mono with 40lb leader.

only caught 3 squid but they were all big ones. it would have to be one of my best squid spots. I will definately put some pics up tomorrow of the one i kept. i should really invest in a camera not my crappy camera phone LOL.

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