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Hey there Raiders,

Im new to this site so i thought id say hello to everyone and thank you for having me on your forums.

Iam a land based angler who is in the market to buy a boat. Im currently fishing for jews around the sydney harbour area with live baits and really fresh dead baits. I do like doing alot of bread and butter fishing for bream,flatties,whiting etc etc.

Iam not a pro fisherman in anyway but i do have knowledge on what i know. I do need some help with me jewie/kingy fishing as i havent yet landed a pearler fish.

So maybe with a little help from the raiders on here i will be able to get that illusive hook up and also maybe even find a boat in the meantime.

Also if there is anything you wanna ask or any help that i can offer, ill be glad to do so !

Cheers for having me as a raider,


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