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North Entrance Beach sesh.


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With the tides looking fine and the weather looking crap. I decided to soak a bait off the sand. After fair warning of the possibility of inclement weather and 20 knots of southerly, my girlfriend still insisted she join me. she's becoming quite the angler lately... must be a keeper!

First offering into our chosen gutter was scoffed in seconds. After a brief tusssle a healthy sambo was slid onto the sand. We managed a few more before the light faded.

Once the last rays on light had finally succumbed to the inky blackness of night, the Tailor began to move in, and Alana waisted no time getting stuck into them. The first one, a healthy 55cm fish was returned to the gutter from which it came... however it was in the form of a slab bait armed with 2x 8/0's.

Alana managed another 4 Tailor, but i was yet to get a whole hearted take on my tailor fillet. She was even starting to give me grief about my lack of action, when my rod loaded. I struck, and struck hard. My Saltiga was reluctantly conceading 30lb braid at a rate of knots. But there was something unusual about the pulsing run. After 50 meters or so the fish began to slow and i was able to start making some ground. Several minutes later, i slid a sizable eagle ray up the beach. :ranting2: It was nearly 1 meter from wing to wing, and hooked square through the date. Hence him being so cranky and difficult to turn.

I sent another slab into the gutter but got no other interest. Alana also tangled with a few 'dinner plate' sized rays, and capped off the evning with a cracker Salmon. At 69cms its was her PB by a long shot. It was then that i was really disappointed about forgetting the camera. We pulled the pin at 11ish and began the hour and a half trek home.



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With the tides looking fine and the weather looking crap. I decided to soak a bait off the sand. After fair warning of the possibility of inclement weather and 20 knots of southerly, my girlfriend still insisted she join me. she's becoming quite the angler lately... must be a keeper!

First offering into our chosen gutter was scoffed in seconds. After a brief tusssle a healthy sambo was slid onto the sand. We managed a few more before the light faded.

Once the last rays on light had finally succumbed to the inky blackness of night, the Tailor began to move in, and Alana waisted no time getting stuck into them. The first one, a healthy 55cm fish was returned to the gutter from which it came... however it was in the form of a slab bait armed with 2x 8/0's.

Alana managed another 4 Tailor, but i was yet to get a whole hearted take on my tailor fillet. She was even starting to give me grief about my lack of action, when my rod loaded. I struck, and struck hard. My Saltiga was reluctantly conceading 30lb braid at a rate of knots. But there was something unusual about the pulsing run. After 50 meters or so the fish began to slow and i was able to start making some ground. Several minutes later, i slid a sizable eagle ray up the beach. :ranting2: It was nearly 1 meter from wing to wing, and hooked square through the date. Hence him being so cranky and difficult to turn.

I sent another slab into the gutter but got no other interest. Alana also tangled with a few 'dinner plate' sized rays, and capped off the evning with a cracker Salmon. At 69cms its was her PB by a long shot. It was then that i was really disappointed about forgetting the camera. We pulled the pin at 11ish and began the hour and a half trek home.



i'm heading up there tonight,last week done good heaps of bream of the beach,i will post a report tomorrow after i clean my catch.....

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