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Fishing York Peninsula

Jono Hammond

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Hi all

Been a while since i last posted a report from over here in adelaide, Went across to Yorks a couple of weekends ago, we stayed in a small town right near the national park called Marion Bay - meant to be one of the best squid fishing spots in adelaide. Anyway took the boat out and was heading to a spot a local put me onto when my gps and sounder turned off, so i pulled up to check out the problem (a wire had come out of the board). While stopped my mates dropped some lines down and straight away we were onto fish, ended up fishing the whole day there managing 3 good whiting - the best part been mine was the biggest at 51cm and it was caught on my small baitcaster with 2lb fireline.

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Managed to get a cuttlefish while drifting also which we added to the other 4 we caught the night before and the 1 squid that was taken. I reckon cuttlefish tastes better than calamari. The tommies were pretty prolific so we kept a stack for snapper bait.



Edited by Mad Keen Jon
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