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Have you ever had one of those days?


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Hi Raiders,

I think a higher power was trying to tell us that we should not go fishing today. We planned a day around broken bay to day but our first obstacle came when we tried the boat and it would not start - the engine was pretty damp. We tried all sorts this morning including trying to dry it off with a hair dryer but it was just not going to start :thumbdown: Not to be put off that easily we decided that we would do some landbased fishing and looking at the wind we thought we would try Narrabeen lake as we had not tried it before, we also put a surf rod in to fish off the rocks. We got to Narrabeen by the caravan park and started flicking plastics, we had a few pulls and a couple of lures bit in half but nothing to show for our efforts apart from big lumps of weed on every cast! After we had walked round for a bit we decided to take a walk down to the rocks - we got down there only to find that the swell was smashing all of the likely spots :wacko: . Back to Narrabeen with one rod on bait and one on plastics, we were once again fishless but also had three crackoffs (I cant remember the last one of them I had)and then the icing on the cake - one of my rods folded at a joint when pulling out of a snag :ranting2:

I suppose that it does you good to have your butt kicked every now and again to bring you back to earth, I have had a good run lately and as the mighty Conan says - 'that which does not kill you makes you stronger'. I am contemplating this over the first of a number of beers.

All that said, I am starting to get excited about next weekend's campaign already :1prop:

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