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The Cooks River


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After a good report off Nat about being smoked by a good jewie in the Cooks River I teamed up with him for a repeat performance.

Up at the crack of dawn and on the water by 6am we attempted to catch another jewie but alas all our shots at all the likely spots turned out to be fruitless,maybe next time.

We turned to our faithful old friends the bream and while the size was down a bit from previous sessions the numbers were good.

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We scored plenty of bream and flatties on the blood worm wrigglers and Nath caught a beautiful trevally of around 45cms which put up a great fight and as the net went in I noticed his hands trembling with excitement :yahoo: Nath had never caught a trevor before and was quite chuffed with his efforts...Nice fish mate !!!

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We tried again for jewies on the run out tide but only scored a few flatties for our efforts.

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Thanks for a great day out mate and your coffee and maccas was a really nice gesture :thumbup:

Cheers Swordie

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