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Rigging Live (large and small) squid and strips baits


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Hi raiders,

Just wondering if anyone can point me to any old threads about rigging live squid and strip presentation for Kings, preferably with pics :biggrin2: . Have searched about but can't find anything I am after.

Any tips too, on keeping the buggers alive. Caught plenty of squid last trip but, they seem to die pretty fast. Does the water need to keep running. I generally flush and top up my tank about every 30 mins once I have cleaned out all the initial ink mess.



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Yeah I need some help on that very same topic. I use fresh squid atm but it seems that I always have problems putting them onto the hook and making them look nice and presentable. Strip baits arent to hard but im sure there is a proper way to do it that would be alot more effective. When it comes to rigging live squid I dont bother cause I have no clue how to hook it, and I would rather use 10 fresh dead baits than loose 1 whole live bait just because I didnt know how to rig it. But if anyone does have some good info on how to rig your live squid up and also keep them alive will be very helpful.

Cheers raiders,


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ok lads let me explain this the best i can.

When i fish kingys on bait i use the following rig and hook method for LIVE squid.

2 hooked snelled Rig (same ad jew fish) OR you can use single hooked Rig.

If i use the 2 hooked rig and i troll my live swuid on the down rigger i pin one hook (the top hook) through the skin (which you would peel off idf you were stripping the squid) on top of the arrow and the other through the skin on the head in between the 2 eyes.

Use the following lame drawing i just done while at work to assist in my explenation


You might think the skin is not strong enough to withstand small bites but the skin is very touch plus the fact you have 2 hooks increases your hook up rate.

Single hook i pin the hook in the very tip of the arrow.

For squid strips you can bait them a whole bunch of ways, i usually but the squid tupe open, and cut little scores at the end of it so it looks like a hand with fingers and just hook it in the middle.

Hope this helps,

Cheers, Stan

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Also keep the live bait well running otherwise they will ink them selves to death, and try avoid putting them in with yakkas, most of the times i do this even if i keep the tank flushing the squid kill the yakkas with the ink. Squid need running water to stay alive.


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Ah I see, I use that same rig only problem is i usually pin them straight through the flesh lol, hence why they die.

Also you using a running sinker on a slide then to a swivel with trace to the hooks or ????

Yeah sweet bro so atleast i know dont smash em straight through lol.

But yeah even if you can PM me man on the full rig would be helpful.

Cheers bro,


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Hi raiders,

Just wondering if anyone can point me to any old threads about rigging live squid and strip presentation for Kings, preferably with pics :biggrin2: . Have searched about but can't find anything I am after.

Any tips too, on keeping the buggers alive. Caught plenty of squid last trip but, they seem to die pretty fast. Does the water need to keep running. I generally flush and top up my tank about every 30 mins once I have cleaned out all the initial ink mess.



You defiantly need lots of fresh water, especially if the squid have inked in the tank it seems to suffocate them.

I have my live well recirculating all the time with squid to keep the water as clean and air-rated as posable to keep them alive all day.

(Hopefully they get put to good use before then) :biggrin2:

As for rigging a whole live squid I use 2 x #4 circle hooks on a fixed or tight sliding snell rig. I pin the top hook through the very top of the hood about 10 mm down from the point. Then put the bottom hook through the end of the hood to one side.

For strip baits I use a single hook rig, I cut a rough triangle of squid and put a few slices about 20 mm long in the wide end (to wave around like tentacles), then pin the hook through the top about 10mm down from the point opposite the cut side.

Not sure you are in the right section of the forum but hope this helps.

Good luck.


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If im down riggin' i dont use any sinker just straight uni braid to leader.

If im stationary i use a running sinker with a swivel.

As for links on snells, just youtube them. There will be plenty on there : )

Ahh Ive never downrigged before bro.

Last time I went out caught my first king on my normal jew setup. Seemed a bit odd because its my landbased setup which is meant to anchor to the bottom of the sea floor lol. I think thats why I got snagged 4-5 times when trolling. Oh well no one told me how to setup to troll livies. What rig would you use to troll the livies... or would you troll them on the down rigger? Sorry man its just I havent done too much trolling at all and have no clue on how to go about it aye. I want to hire a boat this weekend to get out and do some trolling but i dont wanna spend $300+ on hiring a full on fishing boat when I have no clue how to troll it. I know how to setup my rods to troll lures as its basically just an allbright knot from braid to fluro leader and then loop knot or crimp on the lure. But livies very new to me. So yeah bro any help and info I get is all helpful.

Sorry again for being a pain in the ass aye.


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LOL, :yahoo:

Did the Google thing for the knot. Just got out of the boat after tying a few. Dead easy. Wish I'd used that a few weeks ago. Lost plenty of whole squid on good size kingys because of a poor rig. Learn something everyday.

Thanks everyone.

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Ok Jez,

Time for another drawing LOL.

I use this rig, it might be right, it might be wrong but it works for me - the hardcore game fishing guys on here would have alot more knowledge than me but i basically use:

E.g. Rigging a dead slimy mackerel -

You will need:

1 Cable Tie

2 hook Rig


How to rig -

If your trolling inshore for kings or small tuna e.t.c another 2 hooked snelled rig on heavier leader is OK.

Put a cable tie through the eyes of the bait and pull tight (cut off tag end)

Inset the hook underneath the cable tie (the first hook on the 2 hooked snell rig)

Keep the other hook on the end free flowing it will act as a stinger hook - check out my pic lol


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Ok Jez,

Time for another drawing LOL.

I use this rig, it might be right, it might be wrong but it works for me - the hardcore game fishing guys on here would have alot more knowledge than me but i basically use:

E.g. Rigging a dead slimy mackerel -

You will need:

1 Cable Tie

2 hook Rig


How to rig -

If your trolling inshore for kings or small tuna e.t.c another 2 hooked snelled rig on heavier leader is OK.

Put a cable tie through the eyes of the bait and pull tight (cut off tag end)

Inset the hook underneath the cable tie (the first hook on the 2 hooked snell rig)

Keep the other hook on the end free flowing it will act as a stinger hook - check out my pic lol


Yeah thats sweet bro, but can you use this same method for livies? Cause im sure if i stuck a cable tie through a live yakkas eye its gonna die lol.

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If it's for kings in the harbour, just use your same rig but use elastic bands to attach sinkers so if the get caught on the bottom is easy to bust them off without whole rig . You should only troll them as slow as possible so you dont need cable ties, just pin them threw the nose like your jew rigs. Squids the same.

Or buy a quick rig system. http://www.quickrig.com/tips.html


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If it's for kings in the harbour, just use your same rig but use elastic bands to attach sinkers so if the get caught on the bottom is easy to bust them off without whole rig . You should only troll them as slow as possible so you dont need cable ties, just pin them threw the nose like your jew rigs. Squids the same.

Or buy a quick rig system. http://www.quickrig.com/tips.html


Yeah thats actually a really good idea ill try that out, same rig except attach the sinker via rubber band. Also what sorta weights should I be using if im trolling around live yakkas. Would I need a smaller size sinker or use the 4 - 5 ounch sikers i was using the other day.

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Just pin em through the jaw dude, should keep em alive for a while. I dont bother trolling live fish, coz you swim them when your trolling anyway hows the fish guna know the difference?

Haha thanks Max, i tried my best LOL

dont pin them thru the jaw

you will block there mouth and they will die

pin them thru the nose

best way is to go and buy a bait needle and thread a elastic band there the eye socket then attach to a hook

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Hi Brian two hook jewfish rigs which are used for fishing live squid at anchor minus the snapper lead set up (use a shorter 60 cm long leader and a round running sinker the size of a 10 cent piece for your kingfish) are just as effective for trolling live squid. The bottom hook can be inserted into the very top of the neck of the squid so that the barb comes out thru the gap just behind the head. The short leader section in between the two hooks can be held down with an elastic band so that the top hook i.e. the first hook tied (fixed not sliding) is free from the body. Pulling the leader down flat against the body of the squid to form a staight line from the rod tip for better presentation and to prevent spinning when slow trolling. It is very important that the barb of the neck hook faces the tail end of the bait otherwise it will adversely affect your hook up rate in that rather than make fast, immediate contact with the barb of the hook the mouth of the fish will just roll over the round part of the gape of the hook and more often than not making no contact at all with the barb. To make a live yakka for example swim as straight as a missile yet still struggle along drawing attention to itself, cut an even 4 mil off the two tail fins. If fishing a livie at anchor cutting 5 mil off the top fin prevents it from swimming upwards and surfacing on days when bottom predators virtually can't rise and cutting 5 mil off the bottom fin prevents your livie from swimming downwards and hiding in cover on the bottom in case a predator happens to come along

Hope this is of some help to you.

Are you still living up at Barraba Brian?


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Jewgaffer,

Cheers very much for that info. I will sit down when I have some time and decifer all of that into practice. Yep sure am still in Barraba. Kids are really settled here and we do like the country quiet atmosphere. I can't think of a better way for kids to grow up. We have a 100 acre place out of town and spend plenty of quality time out there doing bush stuff. We get to the coast and Sydney plenty enough, that they are not missing out on anything and having been to Sydney last week in the traffic etc there's something we can all do with out. Just miss that easy access to the Harbour :biggrin2:



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yep i 2 snelled hooks for squids, but i always hook through the hood not the head, if you hook through their head they die quicker ... hook em through the hood flap just above their head to keep them alive longer!

Yakkas bridle rigged using elastic band or cable tie...

Good luck they re still around..

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Hi raiders,

Just wondering if anyone can point me to any old threads about rigging live squid and strip presentation for Kings, preferably with pics :biggrin2: . Have searched about but can't find anything I am after.

Any tips too, on keeping the buggers alive. Caught plenty of squid last trip but, they seem to die pretty fast. Does the water need to keep running. I generally flush and top up my tank about every 30 mins once I have cleaned out all the initial ink mess.



Brian don,t put too many squid together in one live bait tank if you want to keep them in A1 condion as they are very territorial.

Keeping the water recirculating/changed is very important to keep the oxygen supply flowing.

For presentation of my live bait squid i use only 1 hook on small squid as they present and stay alive longer,and for a good sized squid i snell rig the squid bottom hook in the part that emits the ink and top hook through top of hood making sure the hook sizes suit bait also for maximum presentation.

As long as that squid is glowing and changing colour your bait presentation is spot on.

Even when handled correctly and rigged correctly they can die easly especially small squid , but it is still by far supreme bait.


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hey mate.

i wouldn't worry about keeping the squid alive to much. If i downrig with 2 downriggers when i go out and one with a live squid and the other with a fresh caught dead one, the king hammer both at the same time. As long as its fresh and maintained well for that day, your won't have a problem. Also uses the snell rig like the other members have indicated, just try and cover most of the bait with the 2 hooks cause the kings sure get picky sometimes.

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