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Is it stupid to feel a little sentimental?


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This morning to my shock I noticed that I had two fishing rods stolen from the side of my house :( I feel partly to blame, because I usually have them out the back and not up the side (which is viewable from my front lawn)

But it got me thinking, more that the few hundred $ it will cost me to replace them :ranting2: , I actually feel saddened of my loss. Those two rods had become a part of my life and one of them was jokingly named "Excalibur" due to previous proven sucesseses.

It got me thinking about some of the times I had with those rods

Those rods thankfully got me out of a dodgy relationship (destroyed a relationship because I used to go fishing too much). Then the break up (with further fishing).

They had bought mates closer in the common pursuit of fish, and was always present for the ridiculous "boys fishing chats". :beersmile:

Some of my proudest moment have been with rod in hand, as well as the most frustrating.

Over the years of owning them I think I became a little attached to them.

Not to mention the countless dinners of fresh fish

I know this probably sounds a little ridiculous but I guess it just annoys me that some creep will probably never use them or flog them off to a mate. Does anyone else have some kind of connection with their gear? Seems like it because a "weapon of choice for me".

I guess it gives me an excuse to go shopping for new gear????

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Hate hearing stories like this!

Yep I love near everyone of my outfits the same way. Each have their own little stories but it seems older the better with more to give or have given to me.

I think the worst thing that I lost last time I got broken into was my personal fishing photo album!

Why they took it?

All my fishing photos from 5-24 years old....

Pix of my first marlins and YFT to fish fish on a lure and many others.

Oh well have fun shopping!


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Very unlucky mate.

Two and a half years ago ALL of my gear got stolen from my garage, :thumbdown: every last bit! except my favourite rod and reel and my kayak!

I was SO relived to have that rod and reel left. I had bought the rod with my first pay packet and had recently put a new 2500 certate on and loved it. I didn't really care that they had got the rest.

I too thought; those mongrels wouldn't know what to do with half that stuff :ranting2: let alone if they sold it, they wouldn't know what a loomis rod or a downrigger was worth!!!!

Luckily insurance covered most of it because I had kept the many receipts,no matter how big or small the purchase was :thumbup: .

So at the end of the day I got the last laugh with a fat cheque made out to my local tackle store and got to fuel my habit and update my gear all over again!

Pays to keep your receipts, descriptions and detailed photographs of your gear guys and gals, because you don't know just how much you have till you add it all up.

Trying to convince an insurance rep that a fishing rod can cost upwards of $700 is a hard task without a receipt.

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I had a lot of gear stolen from my garage, inluding a tackle box my now wife bought me when we first started going out

and it was full of years of bits and pieces that are irreplaceable.

I tallied up what I could remember and it came to $1800 (just terminal tackle - $200 worth of squid jigs alone), my insurance company who we have everythingwith and have been with for 15 years without a claim wouldnt pay as they said nobody has that much tackle for private use and they dont cover tools of trade

My wife sent them our credit card statements, and they paid straight away ( i think they felt sorry for her)

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I know the feeling, i had a Penn international stolen and a custom jigging rod that was made for my grandfather stolen at the same time. The rod was very sentimental as it had my G/fathers name woven into the finish. I just can't understand how someone could use something that was stolen and explain it to their mates.

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I know what you mean mate.. A few years ago after my Dad passed away I went to Sussex Inlet to scatter his ashes and took along HIS rods to do some fishing with him that night..The next morning... about lunch time(sleep in) I got up and found that his rods had been stolen...That realy P*%$#ed me off.. :ranting2:

It wasnt the cost .. it was all about the sentimental reminders of fishing with Dad...

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