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Stella 1000


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Been using a Stradic Ci4 1000, very happy with it, but thought i might take the opportunity whilst overseas in Guam, seeing the dollar is so strong at the moment.

Only fish in Botany Bay and the Hacking at the moment, but looking at getting into fishing for Mulloway and Kings... would the 2500 be a better idea as it would still balance up with all my 1-4kg T-curve flights.

Who out there owns/has used a Stella 1000/2500? Would the difference between a Ci4 be that significant.

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I don't own a Stella but I know that the 1000 has 3 kg of drag and then the 2500 jumps up to about 9 kg from memory ..... So I'd be going for the 2500 and then couple it with a 3-6 kg or 5-7 kg stick, that way your fishing spectrum remains broad with out leaning toward to light or to heavy.

Edited by rockfisherman
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i don't own either reel but my reasons for going stella (5000)

- you don't feel any urge to upgrade/change reel

- high resale value if you need to

- reliable and performs real nice

but since you're happy with the stradic, maybe you could spend your money on something that you're not happy with

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  • 2 weeks later...

i own a stella 1000 and a stradic ci4 there is a difference with the reels is the drag on the stella and the stradic ci4 is lighter but i have caught big fish on both reels and haven't been let down but if your going 4 kings and jews not saying the stradic wont stop then but for piece of mind il be getting a stella 5000 but you will have 2 up grade rod line rating i love my light gear but you will struggle to land a big jew or king on a 1-4 rod not saying it cant happen but you dont want 2 loose the fish because of you gear

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Id say it would depend on what your trying to chase. Everyone has their own preferences, lets say your chasing bream. You could catch bream on a 1000 stradic but then you could also catch bream on a 1000 stella.the price difference between the reels is significant.But If you can afford to purchase the stella then go for it. There is also no doubt that the stella is a magnificent reel. In saying that, If I was chasing big dogtooth tunas or popping for big GT's then definitely YES I would go for a Stella or other high end reels because it would be more suitable for the fish I am targeting and I know that I would require something of top quality to handle these type of fish. At the end of the day its just your personal preference, I personally think with whatever purchase you make, you'd still catch the species you're after. But If I was loaded and had alot of extra cash to spend on tackle then I'd probably get you know all the stella ranges. From the 1000-20000. I know I would as well because I have the "wank" factor. its like some people who spend thousands of dollars on a 'designer suitcase' where the same suitcase without the brand would cost less then 1/10 of the price. Some people just buy it because they can. Thats my 2 cents any way mate. Good luck with your decision.

Edited by steze
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Back to the original question, there is a massive difference. Bearings, rotor, floating shaft, body materials, drag system etc etc... I have both BTW.

You are trying to compare a Barina with a GTS. The C14 material is good for light stuff but can twist under a heavy load.

The Stradic, whilst a popular and good reel for the money, is no where near a Stella in terms of engineering and materials.

In saying all of the above, I reckon you'll land the same fish equally well on each reel. The differnce is in the feel to the Angler and the longevity. I find that the Stradics don't retain their smoothness as well as a Stella.

Is the Stella worth the extra money? Absolutely in my opinion.

Edited by Cephalopod
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Fishing reels follow the 'law of diminishing returns'. As you get up in price the difference in performance per $ you spend is less.

For example the difference between a $100 reel and a $200 reel is a lot more than the difference between a $300 reel and a $400 reel and so-on up the scale.

As Ceph said, their definitely is a difference in performance in a variety of ways... and quite a marked one if you're comparing something like a Stradic to a Stella.

It really all depends on what you want from your reel. Some people love just fishing with the best possible gear, regardless of the kind of fishing they do. And fishing is about enjoying yourself so if you have more fun with a $1000 reel then the money is less important (if you have it of course).

Some just like the feel of those extra performance characteristics.

Similarly, if you fish at the high end of performance and really push the limits of gear (tournament breaming, fishing ultra-light relative to what you're chasing, jigging, GT fishing, etc, etc) then the ultimate in performance and durability becomes much more important.

A mini minor will get you from a to b just like a ferrari but each driver will have different reasons for buying each car. Reels are just the same... You could catch fish on a stick and a bent pin if you really wanted to but better gear will perform better. You just need to decide what sort of gear makes you happiest.

Cheers, Slinky

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Fishing reels follow the 'law of diminishing returns'. As you get up in price the difference in performance per $ you spend is less.

For example the difference between a $100 reel and a $200 reel is a lot more than the difference between a $300 reel and a $400 reel and so-on up the scale.

As Ceph said, their definitely is a difference in performance in a variety of ways... and quite a marked one if you're comparing something like a Stradic to a Stella.

It really all depends on what you want from your reel. Some people love just fishing with the best possible gear, regardless of the kind of fishing they do. And fishing is about enjoying yourself so if you have more fun with a $1000 reel then the money is less important (if you have it of course).

Some just like the feel of those extra performance characteristics.

Similarly, if you fish at the high end of performance and really push the limits of gear (tournament breaming, fishing ultra-light relative to what you're chasing, jigging, GT fishing, etc, etc) then the ultimate in performance and durability becomes much more important.

A mini minor will get you from a to b just like a ferrari but each driver will have different reasons for buying each car. Reels are just the same... You could catch fish on a stick and a bent pin if you really wanted to but better gear will perform better. You just need to decide what sort of gear makes you happiest.

Cheers, Slinky

You hit the nail on the head

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