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Burril Lake fishing

Mr Moth

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Going down to Burrill Lake next weekend - has anyone done any good there recently ?

Will be land based.

Mr Moth,I was there recently got quite a few very good sized bream mainly before dark and on tide change, head towards kings point water ski club turn left atthe end of road infrom highwayand follow around until you get to a dead end street with a steep dirt road to carpark facing north.Use light tackle without sinkers ,you will find the best bait is coles frozen prawns with tails believe it it works a treat .Hope you have some luck cheers.Kev39

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Spot on with your recommendation KEV.

I am a Burrill Lake resident and found the lake very slow of late. have been informed many times over of good flatty and bream taken of lateat the kings Point Ski Club as well. I had been nailing the Luderick closer to the mouth lake mid last month. Flattys are in plague proportions of Burrill / Dolphin Point beach. although the majority are under size. No shortage of salmon as well.

I have been spending my free time chasing Luderick and black drummer from the rocks of late.

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