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A different day off Palm Beach


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Hi Raiders,

I went for my usual drift at Palm Beach today (the wife and kids fancied a feed of beer battered flathead) and we did catch some flathead but only when we could get through all of the Gummy sharks :1prop: . I had never caught them there before but they were coming thick and fast, were great sport on light tackle and were picking up our bonito strip baits on every drift. At one point when my mate was taking a picture for me, I spotted his rod bent double in the holder he brought the fish up which turned out to be a smallish bronze whaler which bit him through at the side of the boat. At one point I also had a bronze whaler slash at a flathead that I was just about to swing in the boat! :1yikes:

We had some fun but I can not remember it being like this last year - is this what I can expect in the area as the water temp drops?


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Nice gummy there mate, were they all similar size as the one in the pic? Thats a pretty good one for this far north :thumbup:

To be fair I had some bigger than that. When I hooked the first one it just felt heavy like a ray but then it went on some good runs. Great fun :thumbup:


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