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targeting shovel nose rays


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hey everyone...

i have a fairly odd question, as i am not sure how many people actually go fishing for shovel nose rays, but i thought on the days when the surf is a bit rough it might be worth a shot...

i have landed two of them before while targeting other species off a wharf at port stephens, but at the time had no idea what they were, and to be honest they are a little bit scary, so i let them go...


i will be land based and around the central coast...

i am thinking of using salted pilchards or poddy mullet as a bait...

i know they are most common in inshore tidal waters but im not exactly sure what i should be looking for, if anything...

any advice would be great, but i am aware there probably arent too many people who fish for them as a target species

ideally i am hoping to find somewhere nice and easy to access, cause my plan is just to fish for them when i run out of options




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Personally, i don't target them but if thats your thing. If i were you i would be focussing on fishing points with alot of current and with a sandy/gravel bottom. This is where i have hooked a few.

Good Luck

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I would try right next to the train line before it crosses the hawkesbury heading north. There is a small point just before you pass under the rail bridge on the way upstream.

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I have had hook ups here with what i think were either sharks(bull, bronze whlaer) or big big big shovelnose rays. The spot is on the left side of when heading upstream.

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Ive seen one caught in the hawkesbury under the road bridge, the bloke was targeting jewfish at night.

They like turbid water, there are plenty in the georges, i know of a guy who caught one at 300kg, made the local paper.

Check out the link:


It towed there boat for ages lol

If you want to catch big, Probably use big baits which bleed and oil alot.

Cheers, Stan

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wow thats a big fish...


yeah that would be about right, spend forever targeting jew and never catch one, but start targeting random things and thats when you'll catch them lol...


thanks for all the advice guys

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