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gutter confusion


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hey again...


when i am fishing the beach my belief has always been that i am looking for waves breaking out the back then reforming and then breaking again, and the area which they are reforming is the gutter and the area in which i should be fishing... and this has worked fairly well for me


but on the site i have read through a few topics and a lot of people are saying you are meant to be looking for the areas where there is little to no wave action, which has confused me a little bit...


i was always told that the gutters are under the white water which is why the fish like them so much because it provides them with deep water and a cover so they feel protected...


just wondering if there is something im missing

any clarifications would be great

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Gutters are simply the deeper parts of the beach, people say look for where there aren't waves, because the waves aren't as noticeable when they are travelling through the deeper water. The white water is usually where a wave has just broken, ie the shallowest part of the beach.

Keep in mind that gutters can be parallel to the beach or at right angles to the beach.


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Macman is a wealth of knowledge :biggrin2:

The gutter he is referring to is also called a rip, where there is a rip it is normally deep and fast moving water going out, so fish often sit in there to feed on things passing out this underwater highway :thumbup:

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just came across this photo which i thought was a pretty good illustration of how white water is over the shallow water, thought it might help some other people out if they are having similar troubles...

Perfect illustration of rips running out to sea ! :thumbup:

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Okay so here are the beach gutters, now if you can cast to the edge of it and let your rig roll into the gutter you find this a good method of catching fish as they will often just sit at the drop off waiting for food to wash over the sand bar and into the gutter..

Try it and watch the results...

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