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Monday, 16 May 2011

Boating Incident, South Coast

NSW Maritime is investigating an offshore boating incident that occurred near Camel Rocks, south of Wallaga Lake, yesterday.

Coastal swell warnings had been issued prior to the incident.

Four people were aboard a 5.7m boat when it was broached by a large wave at about 12:30pm. A subsequent wave then capsized the vessel, trapping a number of people under the upturned hull.

The crew managed to surface and put on lifejackets.

Three of the crew made their way to shore while a fourth remained with the vessel having suffered an injured leg.

The injured person was later airlifted by the Careflight helicopter.

NSW Maritime reminds all skippers of new lifejacket rules.

New safety laws require lifejackets be worn in a range of heightened risk situations including by children under the age of 12; anyone boating alone; or at night in a boat less than 4.8m; and for everyone on board a boat less than 4.8m when offshore.

While it is not compulsory for people in boats of 4.8m in length or more to wear a lifejacket when offshore, NSW Maritime recommends it, especially at times of heightened risk.

For more offshore boating safety advice go to http://www.maritime.nsw.gov.au/campaigns/offshore.html

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Sounds like they were lucky they were not wearing lifejackets in that situation as they would have had no chance in getting out of an upturned hull with them on . Pretty much impossible to swim underwater wearing one , let alone take one off whilst your being pounded by swell in a dark enviroment thats if there is any air gaps to breathe.. So keep this in mind, maybe a lifejacket drill for all those onboard , just like home fire drills .... :biggrin2: anything can happen .

cheers Dogtooth..... :1fishing1: John...... :beersmile:

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