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Feisty Blackfish


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Had to go to the Docs today and Botany Bay looked glassy and inviting. What a glorious day it was. When I got out of the surgery, I headed off to Maroubra to have a look at an old spot I used to fish a lot. Water was coming over the shelf, waist deep, so I canned the idea of throwing in a line. I had packed my fishing gear in the car, just in case, so called another mate on my way home. Nope he couldn't go. Called a mate in Bundeena - no answer. Decided to go out there anyway and the river was flat and clear. Tossed a bait in and saw a nice sized pig rush out from under the ledge and inhale the cabbage. After a short fight, I washed him up and he made a last ditch effort to get back to the water. He won.

This was hopeless - no wash, gin clear water and no fish. Decided to hike out to the ocean front and see if the swell was down. It was!! I saw my mates Rick and Ray were already there and had fish in the bag. They had been there since about 10am. It was now 2pm but I figured I might get one or two. I rigged up and tossed the float in. As often happens, the float righted itself as the weighted leader sunk down and it kept going down. On straight away. The fish were ravenous. As a wave washed over the shelf, the weed and cabbage we had scraped loose, washed over the drop and into the clear water. Blackfish were tearing around and feeding in a frenzy. The boys were floating bobby corks (as they always do) and I can't convince them to fish with stem floats. Anyway, they had been fishing for 3-4 hours so I had no hope of catching up to their tally. The fish I caught were all solid, strong fighters and in prime condition. Dropped so many fish as I was trying to wash them up with the swells, or getting bitten off by their sharp little razor teeth, that I lost count. I hooked a good sized fish and had it flapping on the surface, waiting for a swell to wash it up. The float flew over my head as yet another one got away. I thought it had bitten the hook off, but I saw a big white 'doctor' impaled on the hook. The parasite in the throat of the fish was hooked and it was hanging on to the host fish before finally coming out. Bet the blackie was glad I had 'hooked' it.

The boys decided to call it a day. Tally was, 12 fish for Ray, 10 for Richard and 8 for me. Not bad seeing I only fished 1.5hours and dropped more than I landed. I love this time of year. Crystal clear water - you could see the fish rushing to get the bait - Gannets diving into the water 30m away and coming up with a fish each time, sea eagles circling overhead and tons of whitebait swimming right up against the rocks. The beach looked really pretty on the way back out, so I add a photo of the scene.

Tomorrow night it will be fish pieces in tempura batter for me - yum.




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Nice Stormy, good looking water mate and nice fish where bouts at Marouba did you look at? The Stake? If so given the big high tides it would have been well awash so too the ledges on the south side!

Heading out there Sunday I hope the Eastern Suburbs have really fired this year.

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Yeah, the stake at Nth Maroubra. I didn't see it. Think it has gone (the stake). I learnt to fish for blackfish there, 40 years ago. Wow!!! Time flies. Couldn't believe the numbers and ferocity of the blackfish today. Only medium sized fish, but powerful, muscular, firm fish.

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Hey Stormy, the original stake went about 18 years ago then they replaced it then thta one went about 7 years ago! And they have not bothered since. I learnt to fish the rocks there as well 20 years ago! A great ledge that has produced a lot of fish. Steve probably head out little greeny or the gutters at little bay.

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