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Work week

Tip Tip

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A month back I was told I had won a trip to come to a convention for First National real estate in coolum at the Hyatt. Arrived Wednesday and checked in and rang my mate at Caloundra to let him know i had arrived. He finished work and came up for a few beers at my room with plans to go to noosa catch up with his fiance and have dinner before he would drop me back. We ended up at his for a bbq and after too many beers I thought it might be better to stay at his and get a lift back in the morning with his fiance. We spent the night planning Sunday with negotiations taking place about our departure time for Sunday as I was supposed to have a big dinner on Saturday night but I knew we had to be up esrly for the morning and after agreeing we had to be on the water by sun up we hit the sack. After a couple of big nighs i decided to check out early and go back to his on Saturday night so we can have an early start on Sunday.

He fishes at least once a week and sometimes two so his plan is to head out approx 10km out to a little reef he fishes and troll round for a bit then hit the bottom for a mixed bag. He puts in at Molloolaba and heads straight out so looking forward to the day and will let all know how it goes.

I have this awesome room with king sized bed and out of four nights I only stayed two but as i didn't pay for it I can justify it that way.

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Sounds like lots of beers and good times up there in coolum Tips! Say hi to the 'Big Red' for me and make sure you hook into some big spanish mackrels.


Big Red says hi and yes we have a bog day planned with big fish our target

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