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Ourimbah Creek - Chittaway Point

Wild Bill

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Hi All,

Has anyone been fishing Ourimbah Creek around Chittaway and the Point lately?

Next week i'll be house sitting for some friends that back onto the creek and i'm keen wet a few lines.

Any info like baits, lures or spots would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Heaps :biggrin2:

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Still plenty of bream about, work hard for them though due to amount of rain in lake.

The EP's have been on but as you probably know it's closed season for them and you can't keep them but can catch them, only problem is once they've been caught they're unlikely to breed.

Plastics and hard bodies are working, the usual prawn and live worms also are ok.

Try Wyong Creek, around where you will be and also Long Jetty and The Entrance. A guy caught a salmon in the lake the other night between Long Jetty and The Entrance.

Plenty of mullet and tailor around also.

The lake is still quite swollen with waters high but the fish are there, you'll just have to work for them atm.

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