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Live bait hiding and last weeks rain.

The Gibeno

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Hi All, I went looking for yakkas today in the usual places on the Central Coast but had no luck after 2 hours. My only thoughts are that last weeks rain has something to do we them hiding. Did anyone else has the same problem this weekend. Cheers.

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Last time I went out to catch some Yakkas I got around 25 of them within about 30 mins, then off I went to catch some Tailor.

All in all was a very productive morning!


I haven't been out. Usually get them in the Haven with a bit of burley.

The Poacher

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I had no worries catching yakkas (and sweep) at west head. The water was very clear (surprising after the rain, but we were there at high tide) and we could easily see the yakkas coming up into the berley trail of crushed up wheet bix.

We didn't have a squid jig down, but also did not see any squid out. The squid and cuttle fish seem to have disappeared from my regular spots - any ideas where they are at this time of year?

BTW, I was fishing with my 6yo boy and one of his friends, so we took a few of the larger yakka's home for dinner. The were very nice to eat! We had them as sashimi and baked.

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Hey Ginko, recently got back from a trip to Japan and we were all surprised to see at every sushi bar Yackas in the live tanks and on the menu. As oily as they are they are not to bad on the tooth!

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