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Browney1 & I hit Roseveille Bridge!


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Hi all

Being in Sydney last weekend for a Dr appointment with Keith, I took advantage by sneaking the yak into the campervan (twisting Keith's arm just a little) and arranged to meet up with Mike at Roseville Bridge last Sat for a bit of a fish!

We launched at the boat ramp & I chucked some placcies around the boat hulls there, waiting for Mike to arrive - for no bites. It was a glorious morning, finally, clear skies & sunny, after a week of horrific wind & torrential rain (up to 10") at Forster during the week!

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Mike launched & we headed towards the 2 bridges.

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We cast around the middle pylons for no hits & headed towards the mangroves.

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It wasn't a particularly high tide, but the water wasn't too dirty, so hopeful of some hits. Mike was first on board, with a just legal flattie

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We headed further along & I found the baby tailor nursery, hooking 3 small chopper tailor - the grand total of my day on the water! wacko.gif Not even worth taking a pic! mad3.gif

Heading back towards the boat ramp, I could see what appeared to be some sort of derelict building built into the cliffs above the highway! I'd never noticed that before - anyone know what it was?? Looks a bit boarded up now, what ever it was.

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Should be down again next weekend, so hope for a fishier time of it next outing! biggrin2.gif

Thanks for your company, Mike, it was fun.


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Hey guys,

I havent had a flick at rossey since last time i was there with you mike but i went down and had a look yesterday and it was the clearest water i have seen in there for a loooooong time so im guessing there is a lot of fresh. It was pretty cold too.

Some nice eddies at the usual spot as i was on the tide change. Was dead quiet though..... no top water action at all!

on nights next week so ill see you down there.

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Hey guys,

I havent had a flick at rossey since last time i was there with you mike but i went down and had a look yesterday and it was the clearest water i have seen in there for a loooooong time so im guessing there is a lot of fresh. It was pretty cold too.

Some nice eddies at the usual spot as i was on the tide change. Was dead quiet though..... no top water action at all!

on nights next week so ill see you down there.

In was down there last sunday all day (landbased) and only managed small bream and catfish. In the early afternoon there was a big school of tailor busting up bait on the surface they were about 40m offshore but disappeared before i could tie my metal on! Absolutely Dead apart from that!

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