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A day of firsts


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I've only just got into fishing. Been going on and off for about 6 months and I've only caught two legal fish in my life, the largest being a 30cm whiting.

Arrived at around 10am. It was completely dead for about 4 hours except for an octopus which we lost. After high tide things started to liven up a little. Something kept nibbling and stealing my bait so I downsized to a size 10 hook. Chucked my line out in front of the jetty and instantly hooked onto a small cuttlefish. Never caught one before, so I was very pleased!


The next hour saw a few undersized bream and snapper being caught. Then something had a go at my bait. I thought it was another undersized bream at first until it started taking out some line, so I thought maybe a legal bream. I've never caught a legal bream either so I was pretty stoked! Today was the first day I decided to teach myself how to use my drag. I normally just fish with it off. I managed to bring it closer to the jetty and I saw it was MUCH bigger than I anticipated :1yikes: . I got it to the surface and we borrowed a net from a fellow fisho at the jetty. Had a few nervous moments with the fish going around the jetty and the line getting tangled on the pylons. Had the drag too soft and I was wondering why it wouldn't come in further :biggrin2: . Managed to get it into the net and I was over the moon!

Turned out to be a 66cm salmon! Caught on a size 10 hook with a peeled prawn by a guy with no idea how to fight a fish. Would you believe it. I'll take this as a learning experience :biggrin2: .


That smile will take a long time to wipe away :biggrin2:

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Well done mate .

those cuttlefish are tricky buggers, if you have a few spare dollars grab a squid jig and put it on a handline or spare rod if you have one. if you think they are around chuck it in and you might get a couple. they are really good bait

salmon are great fun , youll be even more hooked now!

Good Work

morgs :thumbup:

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I've only just got into fishing. Been going on and off for about 6 months and I've only caught two legal fish in my life, the largest being a 30cm whiting.

Arrived at around 10am. It was completely dead for about 4 hours except for an octopus which we lost. After high tide things started to liven up a little. Something kept nibbling and stealing my bait so I downsized to a size 10 hook. Chucked my line out in front of the jetty and instantly hooked onto a small cuttlefish. Never caught one before, so I was very pleased!


The next hour saw a few undersized bream and snapper being caught. Then something had a go at my bait. I thought it was another undersized bream at first until it started taking out some line, so I thought maybe a legal bream. I've never caught a legal bream either so I was pretty stoked! Today was the first day I decided to teach myself how to use my drag. I normally just fish with it off. I managed to bring it closer to the jetty and I saw it was MUCH bigger than I anticipated :1yikes: . I got it to the surface and we borrowed a net from a fellow fisho at the jetty. Had a few nervous moments with the fish going around the jetty and the line getting tangled on the pylons. Had the drag too soft and I was wondering why it wouldn't come in further :biggrin2: . Managed to get it into the net and I was over the moon!

Turned out to be a 66cm salmon! Caught on a size 10 hook with a peeled prawn by a guy with no idea how to fight a fish. Would you believe it. I'll take this as a learning experience :biggrin2: .


That smile will take a long time to wipe away :biggrin2:

I have fished Balmoral jetty about 5 times in the last few weeks and only got yakkas, Trevally, bream, Just undersize snapper and flounder! Salmon is my target as i have been fishing with 4 rods with ganged pili, prawn, live yakka and a yakka fillet. Hope to get out tomorrow and maybe ill get lucky too! Good Salmon!


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Great catch! You clearly outdid your previous fishing PB. So what did the fish weigh? How strong was the line you were using?

I've only got a pair of bathroom scales so I had to make do with that. It gave me an estimate of 3.5-4kg after bleeding, before gutting. I hear they don't taste very good but given it was my first, I decided to keep it anyway. Thinking about how I should cook it up for dinner :D . I used 10lb mono main line with a 6lb fluoro leader.

I have fished Balmoral jetty about 5 times in the last few weeks and only got yakkas, Trevally, bream, Just undersize snapper and flounder! Salmon is my target as i have been fishing with 4 rods with ganged pili, prawn, live yakka and a yakka fillet. Hope to get out tomorrow and maybe ill get lucky too! Good Salmon!


How did you go today?

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I've only got a pair of bathroom scales so I had to make do with that. It gave me an estimate of 3.5-4kg after bleeding, before gutting. I hear they don't taste very good but given it was my first, I decided to keep it anyway. Thinking about how I should cook it up for dinner :D . I used 10lb mono main line with a 6lb fluoro leader.

How did you go today?

Going tomorrow mate, were there any yakkas around or being caught?

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They are always harder to get in winter but last time i managed 6 yakkas while others didnt and i was using alot of disguisting burley (bread, pilchard, tuna oil and cat food)! This got them on the bite. Hope it works tomorrow! Hoping for a salmon too!

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