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Rex and I decided to go to Darwin for the weekend for some RNR and shopping. I will let the pics tell the story.post-2988-088278800 1310549273_thumb.gifpost-2988-051421800 1310549327_thumb.jpgpost-2988-010893600 1310549363_thumb.gifpost-2988-082013900 1310549381_thumb.gifpost-2988-065811700 1310549424_thumb.jpgpost-2988-017317700 1310549481_thumb.jpg

Luckily we where both okay and go out safely, but it goes to show you that you should always respect the waterways.

This crossing was declared open last Monday, and we where one of 5 that went off over the week.



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Unlucky guys but good to hear your safe! No sure if you guys have much 4wding experience or not but really you should not attempt a water crossing unless you walk it first or see someone else do it before you. I know its a fair bit harder up your way with the croc threat but it allows you to gauge if the flow is too strong or if there are any big rocks or holes that have been pushed in the path, and allows you to pick your lines better.

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Mack Attack, when the car went in there was a big croc 300m down stream just watching us, and while they where getting the car out there where 2 crocks doing laps, just watching.



That would have been pretty scary. Seeing crocs from a boat is the way i think ill have to stick at! :074: There are some monsters in the Daly too!

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HOLY MOLEY!! So glad you & Rex are OK, Cath!! 1yikes.gif What a fright! SO glad the crocs didn't come too close!!

Looks like the crossing was declared 'OK' a wee bit too soon, methinks!!

So long as you are both OK, that is the NUMBER ONE thing!

Hope your insurance was up to date! wacko.gif

All the best


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Thanks guys, really appreciate the support at this time.

Dicko, Rex used to be a 4x4 instructor/trainer, so would never knowingly put me in any danger. There where other cars going across this before us, and quite a few after. We found out a few days later that there was something on the causeway, and Murphy being who he is, we hit it, and once that happens there is no going back. As they say sh&^*t happens. Even some of the more experienced drivers who do this crossing frequently have come a cropper.

At least we are both alive, well and a lot wiser for the experience.

The crossing is now bone dry at low tide so if we had left it 1 week none of this would have happened.

As it was fresh water, there may be a chance that we can salvage the car and have it up and running in a few weeks. (Rex and the manager of the workshop went and picked up the car on Wednesday).

Hope to get to Darwin again next week end as its a long weekend up here.

Roberta, as far as crocs are concerned, I get to see them all the time with my job, but I was told that last Friday night when our car went in the drink, just around the bend of the river there where about another 12-15 crocs. Thank god for the local aboriginals and their tiny little tinnie.

When we where speaking with the local police, they where of the same conclusion as you Roberta, but unfortunately it is not up to them. NT Roads declared it open.

Just think, only 8 more months and hopefully we will be back to terrorise the east coast fish.



Edited by cat-as-trophy
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