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Evening all.

Right, Jewies are lazy buggers so im told.So if they hole up during the day and then come out to feed at night,which way do they go.Do they head up stream on a outgoing tide and fight the water flow or do they use the flow to take them down stream and then use the incoming tide to bring them home.But if they come out at slack water which way would they go then.I know it might sound stupid but I just cant get my head around all the oppinions that you can come across once you start looking into Jew fishing.

Regards Stu.

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Evening all.

Right, Jewies are lazy buggers so im told.So if they hole up during the day and then come out to feed at night,which way do they go.Do they head up stream on a outgoing tide and fight the water flow or do they use the flow to take them down stream and then use the incoming tide to bring them home.But if they come out at slack water which way would they go then.I know it might sound stupid but I just cant get my head around all the oppinions that you can come across once you start looking into Jew fishing.

Regards Stu.

Basically during the day the jews just sit in holes upstream of the current and wait for the prey to be swept past it. At night they come out and hunt. I am not 100% sure but i would say that due to them being lazy they would use the current to their advantage and go with the flow. I could be wrong but thats my opinion

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Thanks for that Groper.

I have seen it before though,and read the pinned Jew section,and seen the video,and read the book,and the magazine,and google but I still cant work out it they go upstream on a rising or falling tide or do they just go to their favorite spot regardless of the tide.

Regards Stu

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Thanks for that Groper.

I have seen it before though,and read the pinned Jew section,and seen the video,and read the book,and the magazine,and google but I still cant work out it they go upstream on a rising or falling tide or do they just go to their favorite spot regardless of the tide.

Regards Stu

Lets put it this way, you would be less likely to catch a jewie in the backreaches of a river on the run out and more likely to encounter them closer to the river mouth. Some of the big jews stay in their holes all day so this doesnt apply for all of them. Not saying that all the jewies go to the mouth as they don't, some just follow the current to another spot. This is where bridges come into play. The jewies love them! They use them as a current breaker so they wait behind the pylon ( sometimes 10 on the same pylon ) and when a baitfish gets swept past they take it. I might not be spot on with the theory about them usually following the tide but they use it to their advantage always! Your better off sending a pm to one of the real jewie anglers. Have a look on the thread posted earlier and flick a few of them a pm for some opinions.


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