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Hawkesbury Fishing

The Incredible Hull

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I have never gone to the Hawksberry and not caught fish.. Maybe not all keepers but have always landed fish and never went home with out at least a few..When I go to the river I do stay for 2 or 3 days as my trip starts from Bathurst NSW, so I make a couple of days of it..The bite goes on and off all the time. I also find it even harder after rain when the water is muddy brown..All I can say is watch the reports , do your homework on bait and spots and move around to find the fish :1fishing1:

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Very on and off! Especially in Winter. My best times to fish the Hawkesbury are from january - May. Once the water cools right down its very quiet. In summer focus more on the shallow areas and in winter fish the deeper holes as my success is based around this. Especially for Flathead and bream. My favourite spot fishes best in April which is dangar island. I fish in about 3 meters of water and pull out at least 4 decent flatties per session aswell as crabs, whiting, tailor and bream/tarwhine. Burley an fish with prawns. Winter is usually quality while summer is quantity, especially for jewies here! Keep at it and try different spots and ones that work weel for you mark them on your GPS for next time.

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cheers guys. I have tried a few places, including flint and steel once - nothing. I'm generally around danger island or the railway bridge (most days just eels, rare days plently of bream/flathead). I've done some research and yet to try other places on the list - my next destination is juno point, as I know theres a reef down there, and a big eddy forms there.

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Its like that everywhere, the more you go out and explore a fishing area the better you get at it, if you dont get fish in one area try another, then again if one spot fire up for you today it might not Tomorrow so move and try another area and you will eventually find the fish, its something I have learnt and got good at it .

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My fav spots are the rail bridge 3rd pylon from the north and about 20 to 30 meters up current so your baits end up in the hole..

Also drifting around Danger island..

ANCHOUR UP NEAR THE BOUYS just up stream from the marina and burley

or just out from the ramp at Parsley Bay near the mored boats.. there is a public bouy you can tie up to.. burley and light gear..

These spots have always proiduced keepers for me..

I also like Lion island on the north side :thumbup:

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