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Bluefin Action


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Went wide off Sydney for the start of an overnight Broadbill trip with the plan to fish for Tuna in the day and Broadbill at night.After the run out we set a spread of lures and not long after the right rigger goes off,1 second later the corner goes off were now on a double hook up,then the other corner goes off thats now a tripple,with only 1 angler left on the deck the right rigger goes off its now a quad.With only the skipper left to deal with the mayham the shotgun was quickly brought in before we have 5.With 4 anglers fighting after a while we have colour on the first fish a nice Bluefin thats 1 from 4 with 3 still fighting,time passed and then we have colour again another nice Bluefin thats 2 from 4 with 2 still fighting.After a while we see colour on the 3rd fish then it goes deep again this was a good fish and was playing hard, not as hard as number 4 angler, as I looked over all I could see is a gold spool and the knot thinking the worst and concentrating on fish number 3 number 4 angler manages to get some line back and hold on for the fight,finally number 3 is at the boat yes another nice Bluefin thats 3 from 4.After a great retreive from the spool and 3 hrs later angler 4 has his fish boat side and thats now 4 from 4.A great effort from all the anglers considering they were all on 24kg stand up and ther were only 2 harnesess on the boat and a first time angler.The fish were weighed at SGFC and went 52kg,65kg,78kg and 80kg.The night time fishing was zero but thats what keeps us going back .Not sure how to add pics if someone can explain i will post some.


Edited by nitro1
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Went wide off Sydney on Saturday for the start of an overnight Broadbill trip with the plan to fish for Tuna in the day and Broadbill at night.After the run out we set a spread of lures and not long after the right rigger goes off,1 second later the corner goes off were now on a double hook up,then the other corner goes off thats now a tripple,with only 1 angler left on the deck the right rigger goes off its now a quad.With only the skipper left to deal with the mayham the shotgun was quickly brought in before we have 5.With 4 anglers fighting after a while we have colour on the first fish a nice Bluefin thats 1 from 4 with 3 still fighting,time passed and then we have colour again another nice Bluefin thats 2 from 4 with 2 still fighting.After a while we see colour on the 3rd fish then it goes deep again this was a good fish and was playing hard, not as hard as number 4 angler, as I looked over all I could see is a gold spool and the knot thinking the worst and concentrating on fish number 3 number 4 angler manages to get some line back and hold on for the fight,finally number 3 is at the boat yes another nice Bluefin thats 3 from 4.After a great retreive from the spool and 3 hrs later angler 4 has his fish boat side and thats now 4 from 4.A great effort from all the anglers considering they were all on 24kg stand up and ther were only 2 harnesess on the boat and a first time angler.The fish were weighed at SGFC and went 52kg,65kg,78kg and 80kg.The night time fishing was zero but thats what keeps us going back .Not sure how to add pics if someone can explain i will post some.


I cant wit for the pics.. it is pretty simple just go down the page and attach the file (Photo) and add to the report

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Good on ya fellas ! Nice to see blue fin off Sydney. I knew that they were off the South Coast about a month ago with one guy jumping off the boat to spearfish one but thought with all the bad weather - they would have bypassed Sydney.

Nice effort and congratulations to all the anglersin fighting them without a harness and gimbal. BFT fight real hard - harder than a YFT or even a bill fish for that matter. Well Done !

Went wide off Sydney for the start of an overnight Broadbill trip with the plan to fish for Tuna in the day and Broadbill at night.After the run out we set a spread of lures and not long after the right rigger goes off,1 second later the corner goes off were now on a double hook up,then the other corner goes off thats now a tripple,with only 1 angler left on the deck the right rigger goes off its now a quad.With only the skipper left to deal with the mayham the shotgun was quickly brought in before we have 5.With 4 anglers fighting after a while we have colour on the first fish a nice Bluefin thats 1 from 4 with 3 still fighting,time passed and then we have colour again another nice Bluefin thats 2 from 4 with 2 still fighting.After a while we see colour on the 3rd fish then it goes deep again this was a good fish and was playing hard, not as hard as number 4 angler, as I looked over all I could see is a gold spool and the knot thinking the worst and concentrating on fish number 3 number 4 angler manages to get some line back and hold on for the fight,finally number 3 is at the boat yes another nice Bluefin thats 3 from 4.After a great retreive from the spool and 3 hrs later angler 4 has his fish boat side and thats now 4 from 4.A great effort from all the anglers considering they were all on 24kg stand up and ther were only 2 harnesess on the boat and a first time angler.The fish were weighed at SGFC and went 52kg,65kg,78kg and 80kg.The night time fishing was zero but thats what keeps us going back .Not sure how to add pics if someone can explain i will post some.


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thats insane !

do we normally get bluefin this far north or is this something "special"

Hi all,

This why we are getting the SBT.

post-4948-009132300 1313444591_thumb.gif

The currents and a large eddy from the north that have been influencing our fishing have been pinched off and in the last couple of weeks have slowly drifted south. 4 weeks ago we had Sea Temp's off the coast of 21-22 degrees with Striped Marlin and large Dollies being caught. These temps have fallen and are being replaced with the cooler temps suitable for SBT. The warm water eddy has been replaced with a current that has it's origin well deep in the Tasman Sea and is pushing inshore along the Sydney coast bringing with it the SBT. If you notice the cold south water has created a significant temp break off Sydney. We have had SBT visit our waters before but they tend to only stay for a short time when the conditions and currents are suitable. Hope this helps.

Unfortunately, I am moving house this week and can't get out to enjoy the fishing and light wind conditions.



Edited by Rabs
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Nitro and crew well done! Bennoz, Rabs has hit the nail on the head. Cant think of their exact migratory pattern but they are very well travelled appearing off Sth Australia then onto Victoria. They then work their way up the coast then spear east towards the horizon. Just google them up and you will find their full path. The current determines whether they will appear off our neck of the woods. The last few years have seen them closer to the coast and more accessible to the trailer boat and bigger boats. As Rabs said, the run wont last for long and usually only 2-3 weeks tops also depends on Bait and current to keep them around. Probably explains why all the longliners left port on Friday.

Edited by finin
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Nitro and crew well done! Bennoz, Rabs has hit the nail on the head. Cant think of their exact migratory pattern but they are very well travelled appearing off Sth Australia then onto Victoria. They then work their way up the coast then spear east towards the horizon. Just google them up and you will find their full path. The current determines whether they will appear off our neck of the woods. The last few years have seen them closer to the coast and more accessible to the trailer boat and bigger boats. As Rabs said, the run wont last for long and usually only 2-3 weeks tops also depends on Bait and current to keep them around. Probably explains why all the longliners left port on Friday.

All is true but with the weather changing tomorrow from the north it may push that head of warmer water further south which we don't want, however there is also a strong southerly predicted for the weekend which could push more cold water in, we will just have to wait and see what happens. What you have to look at is that the water off Sydney that the bluefin were in is around the 18.5 mark while when they were down south of Narooma the water was a lot colder. The fish held for a good time down the coast as the current was very slow giving bait a chance to stack & the fish were staying with the bait. Off Sydney over the weekend & yesterday we had less than a knot of current in 500 fathoms with no bait holding but when you got over 1000 fathoms you had over 3 knots current which gives the bait and the fish no chance to hold, however the water temperature was the same from 500 - 1000. Hopefully all this will change over the next week and the current may back off a bit which would definitely give everyone a better shot at the fish.

The longliners can target the bluefin off Sydney but they will be restricted to 500kg as the buffer zone line that protects these fish while migrating is up north and whilst in the buffer zone this quota has to be observed. Unfortunately it will probably result in a lot of wasted fish if they pull a good string.

Most of the longliners are way north towards QLD as once over the buffer zone their quota is lifted to their normal levels. One boat up north came in with 15 ton of fish a couple of weeks ago and I believe that 7-8 ton of this were Albacore with a mix of broadbill, bluefin, yellowfin, marlin & bigeye.

Cheers Damo

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