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Kids @ Narrabeen Lake


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Hi All,

I'm looking at taking my 3 young kids fishing at Narrabeen Lake, but i've never fished the area, so looking for a little help. Reading a few other posts, the area around the caravan park seems the way to go, and looking at google maps, it also looks family friendly. There is an area on google maps labeled 'aqua fun park' at the end of the car park, is this the best spot for kids?

Are we a pretty good chance of landing a few fish there? i'd hate to be empty handed on their first ever fishing trip. Any specific tips for that spot... i'm thinking small baits and a little berley...is that the way to go there? What about times? is the run-out the way to go?


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Hey mate

Narrabeen lakes is always abit of fun fishing wise... I would recommend gettting the smallest hooks you can get your hands on and a couple loafs of bread (burley with one, eat half one and bait half)... You will always get a few that way... i think the best place to go kid wise is down near the caravan park or the beach just inside the entrance bit... At least you can kick a footy or something whilst waiting for a fishy...


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Anywhere near the caravan park is worth a shot but since you have the kids there I would try near the boat ramp right opposite the carpark, as on the beach near the oval there is always a bit of weed around so you need to cast it a little which might involve getting in the water. if this fails park at Woolworths car park after the bridge and try along there, minimum to no weight is the way to go there and the smaller the hooks the better.

The choice of bait there would be bread as mentioned for bait, burley and a feed and not to mention servo prawns go very well there too.

The kids will have a ball I cant wait to take my little girl there.

last but not least if your really keen mullet is a great bait there the bigger bream and flatties love it but that's up to you as the baits mentioned already can get you better fish too but will get the attention of all the pickers also, it just depends what your after..

I love it down there have to get back there soon but its a bit of a hike for me from Liverpool,

Good Luck



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Caravan Park is definitely the way to go. Fish it on a middle tide with a few light kiddy rods with prawns and beach worms ( available at tackle store here) and one with a tiny hook and bread under a float. You should pick up a few mullet on the bread and loads of undersized and legal bream, flathead, whiting, blackfish and even crabs. I would suggest fishing around high tide so you have deeper water closer to shore. Good luck!

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