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Berowra - more flatties again


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G'day Raiders,

Seems that once again I'm flooding the 'fishing reports' section with flathead lol.

Well after dropping my mum and sister off at work/school I had the car again and was able to head down to good old Berowra for another flattie bash. This time I only just made the the low tide at 10.30 and had to fish the turn and run in for my session, so I anchored up and sent out a solid stream burley consisting off jewfish and pillies (thats right, jewfish lol, had some belly flaps in the freezer from the big jewies I got earlier this year). As soon as I could see the burley hit the bottom on the sounder the rods started going off and it wasn't too long before I had a heavy bag of 5 flathead ranging from 43cm - 60cm. This time I had no trouble netting them myself and was a lot more confident.

Most of the flatties were caught on prawns today but the biggest one took a strip of jewfish I put down. Once the bite had gone off I finally had some time to laze back and have a cup-a-soup and some lunch :biggrin2: I reckon could have kept burleying and caught some more but I decided to go off in pursiut of bream instead. I started working the rocky shorelines with a 65mm squidgy wriggler in the 'evil minnow' colour on a light jighead and came across some very fishy looking terrain. The shoreline was lined with oyster covered rocks and there were a few boulders sitting just of it providing slack water behind them for the bream to rest in, so I put a cast in and with one flick of the rod tip I was on to a nice 29cm bream, my first on a sp and I finally got to use my lox for what it was meant for, I released it too because I already had plenty of flathead for a few feeds.

So thats another great day on berowra and it was a lot warmer today, the water even got to 16.9 degrees today compared to the 14 degrees it was just last week.

Here's some pics.

post-14559-063339100 1314180125_thumb.jpg

post-14559-058618200 1314179966_thumb.jpg

post-14559-053655400 1314179971_thumb.jpg

Cheers, Prawn Star.

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Well done Prawn Star :thumbup: Nice feed of flatties, trying tossing some placcies down into your berley trail and see what you come up with - Flatties love plastic.


Blood Knot

Good idea! Might try floating one down the back like you would for snapper next time.

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G'day Raiders,

Seems that once again I'm flooding the 'fishing reports' section with flathead lol.

Well after dropping my mum and sister off at work/school I had the car again and was able to head down to good old Berowra for another flattie bash. This time I only just made the the low tide at 10.30 and had to fish the turn and run in for my session, so I anchored up and sent out a solid stream burley consisting off jewfish and pillies (thats right, jewfish lol, had some belly flaps in the freezer from the big jewies I got earlier this year). As soon as I could see the burley hit the bottom on the sounder the rods started going off and it wasn't too long before I had a heavy bag of 5 flathead ranging from 43cm - 60cm. This time I had no trouble netting them myself and was a lot more confident.

Most of the flatties were caught on prawns today but the biggest one took a strip of jewfish I put down. Once the bite had gone off I finally had some time to laze back and have a cup-a-soup and some lunch :biggrin2: I reckon could have kept burleying and caught some more but I decided to go off in pursiut of bream instead. I started working the rocky shorelines with a 65mm squidgy wriggler in the 'evil minnow' colour on a light jighead and came across some very fishy looking terrain. The shoreline was lined with oyster covered rocks and there were a few boulders sitting just of it providing slack water behind them for the bream to rest in, so I put a cast in and with one flick of the rod tip I was on to a nice 29cm bream, my first on a sp and I finally got to use my lox for what it was meant for, I released it too because I already had plenty of flathead for a few feeds.

So thats another great day on berowra and it was a lot warmer today, the water even got to 16.9 degrees today compared to the 14 degrees it was just last week.

Here's some pics.

post-14559-063339100 1314180125_thumb.jpg

post-14559-058618200 1314179966_thumb.jpg

post-14559-053655400 1314179971_thumb.jpg

Cheers, Prawn Star.

Dreat Feed there Prawn Star certianly got amognst it!

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