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Trolling For Tailor


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Whatching as boat after boat where trolling around the point at port stevens today. The chop made for excellent conditions as there was white water everywhere, One guy was useing a small pink skirt and was doing quite well, I have herd that pink is a good colour for the tailer, but skirts? does anyone else use them? Have also herd that there are bluefin in the bay so maybe that is what they where after. Seem to be doing alright on the tailer though!

Cheers Evan,

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Guest bluecod


Fishing for tailor with skirts is an expensive way of catching a few tailor - their teeth would chop the skirts up in no time.

When tailor are on the chew, they will strike at almost anything. I remember my father casting from the rocks with an Alvey, a large barrel sinker and a strip of white cloth on the hook, nothing more, and coming away with a good bag of tailor.

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Fishing for tailor with skirts is an expensive way of catching a few tailor - their teeth would chop the skirts up in no time.

When tailor are on the chew, they will strike at almost anything. I remember my father casting from the rocks with an Alvey, a large barrel sinker and a strip of white cloth on the hook, nothing more, and coming away with a good bag of tailor.


Bluecod I have similar memorable occasion. When I was 11 I was fishing in Smiths Lake with my dad and two brothers we were catching a heap of tailer that chasing a small scholl of fish. My Dad says he could catch one one chewy wrapper he did the same thing small channel sinker wraped in chewy wrapper with 2 hooks at the back and he absolutely cleaned up and he caught the most. I still have the real he was using it was an old wooden alvey with a built in stripper guide. He used it for everything from light beach work to estuary fishing.

I should hassle him to come out again with me soon.

thanks for prompting the memory.



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