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Fishing Charter's (wollongong area)


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G'day Raider's

My brother and his mate's have said they would like to go out on a fishing charter and are turning to me as the only mad keen fisherman they really know haha so was just wondering if you guys knew any good charter company's in the wollongong area that will cater to a largeish group not extremely large Id say maybe 8-10 guys maximum, any info or numbers you guys can put forward would be greatly appreciated.

Cheer's mateys and tight lines!

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Newbie that would be others sending you the info in a personal message.

We have a great sponsor ..Reef Magic Charters who help us run the site by advertising with us and it woulkd be very unfair to that company if other charter operators were splashed all over this and other threads.

No sponsors = NO SITE :biggrin2:


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