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north narra beach fishing


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hey guys

PLEAAAAAASE reply on this but iv never been beaching fishing and im going to north narrabeen on the northern beaches, im just wondering what techniques what type of bait/soft plastic/lures and what fish are there so i know what type of rod to use. also if you know any beach near narrabeen that is better please tell me


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How are ya? Haven't done too much beach fishing lately so can't report on which beaches are firing at the moment.

But biggest question would be what are you targeting? As that will determine best bait or rig to use.

Also have you had any experience in reading the beach?

Get back to me and I'll try to put you in the right direction.

Cheers Leo

Cheers Leo

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we do beach fishing during winter and below is guide/list of what we use;


12ft rod for casting distance

20lb-30lb mainline/trace

big star sinker

no.2 to 2/0 hook


paternoster with two hooks




aus salmon, tailor, bream, flathead


early morning / late afternoon


newport, whale beach, curlcurl

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If you're going for tailor, then you can also try spinning whole pilchards on gang hooks or metal slices. I've found using 'bait mate' an elastic thread you can get from tackle shops helps hold the pillies together.

I usually use 2/0-4/0 gang hooks on 20lb line, but be prepared to loose a few hooks if the tailor are on.

Try to find a spot on the beach where there's a good gutter, there should be able to see this by the wave action. The waves start to reform over the deeper water so there will be less white water

Hope this helps

Cheers Leo

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